Solapas principales

ARS (Agricultural Research Service, USDA)

Solapas principales

The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific research agency.

The ARS mission is to find solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans every day, from field to table.

Here's a few rough numbers to illustrate the scope of the Agricultural Research Service:
  • 1,200 research projects within 21 National Programs
  • 2,100 scientists
  • 6,000 other employees
  • 100 research locations including a few in other countries
  • USD 1.1 billion fiscal year 2009 budget
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Noticias de esta Compañia

Junio 02, 2010

ARS Scientists Clarify Origins of Potato Germplasm Neo-Tuberosum

A recent study conducted by scientists with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and cooperators shows the potato germplasm Neo-Tuberosum
Junio 02, 2010

Científicos aclaran los orígenes del germoplasma de Neo-tuberosum de la papa

Un estudio reciente realizado por científicos del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) y sus colaboradores mostró que el germoplasma de Neo-tuberosum de la papa.
 Zebra chip disease
Mayo 14, 2010

ARS and University of California attack zebra chip disease

Developing a chemical attractant to monitor and manage the potato psyllid is the goal of a new cooperative agreement signed in March between the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the University of California (UC) at Riverside.
 ARS Potato Research: inspecting microtubers
Mayo 06, 2010

Potato varieties with improved storage capabilities: ARS research

Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in North Dakota are evaluating the storage properties of promising new potato varieties that could greatly improve potato quality for growers throughout the United States.