Solapas principales


Solapas principales

Brand Description

TOMRA Food diseña y fabrica máquinas de clasificación basadas en sensores y soluciones integradas post-cosecha que transforman la producción alimentaria mundial para maximizar la seguridad alimentaria y minimizar las pérdidas de alimentos, asegurándose de que Cada Recurso Cuente.

La empresa tiene más de 12,800 unidades instaladas en productores de alimentos, empacadores y procesadores de todo el mundo para confitería, frutas, frutas secas, granos y semillas, papas, proteínas, nueces y verduras.

Estas soluciones incluyen tecnología avanzada de clasificación, selección, pelado y análisis para ayudar a las empresas a mejorar los retornos, obtener eficiencias operativas y garantizar un suministro de alimentos seguro.

TOMRA Food opera centros de excelencia, oficinas regionales y ubicaciones de fabricación en Estados Unidos, Europa, América del Sur, Asia, África y Oceanía.

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News for this Brand

Why the food industry needs to think about sustainability.
Agosto 16, 2022

Why the food industry needs to think about sustainability

When businesses behave with sustainability, it’s not only society that benefits – this can also help bring in new business. Stefaan Kennis, Director of Strategy, Market Intelligence and Sustainability at TOMRA Food.
Potato Europe visitors to see the latest handling innovations from Haith
Agosto 15, 2022

Potato Europe visitors can see the latest handling innovations from Haith

The UK's leading manufacturer of vegetable handling solutions will present its revolutionary new grading machine – the ProSort - to European farmers at Potato Europe 2022.
How potato growers and processors can gain from the latest sorting technologies.
Julio 15, 2022

How potato growers and processors can gain from the latest sorting technologies

It’s not easy for potato growers and processors to always ensure food safety or meet customers’ specified standards. For one thing, all sorts of foreign materials get mixed up with potatoes when they’re harvested.
TOMRA Food's latest Steam Peeling solutions can improve profitability and sustainability for the Potato Processors.
Julio 15, 2022

Peeling in Potato Processing: The TOMRA Steam Peeling Revolution

Peeling potatoes on potato processing lines can be a bit like peeling notes from a wad of dollar bills and then throwing them away. Because mechanized peel removal also removes potato flesh, a high quantity of saleable raw material.

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