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Solapas principales

Brand Description

TOMRA Food diseña y fabrica máquinas de clasificación basadas en sensores y soluciones integradas post-cosecha que transforman la producción alimentaria mundial para maximizar la seguridad alimentaria y minimizar las pérdidas de alimentos, asegurándose de que Cada Recurso Cuente.

La empresa tiene más de 12,800 unidades instaladas en productores de alimentos, empacadores y procesadores de todo el mundo para confitería, frutas, frutas secas, granos y semillas, papas, proteínas, nueces y verduras.

Estas soluciones incluyen tecnología avanzada de clasificación, selección, pelado y análisis para ayudar a las empresas a mejorar los retornos, obtener eficiencias operativas y garantizar un suministro de alimentos seguro.

TOMRA Food opera centros de excelencia, oficinas regionales y ubicaciones de fabricación en Estados Unidos, Europa, América del Sur, Asia, África y Oceanía.

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News for this Brand

TOMRA Sorting Food will showcase its TOMRA 5A Potato Sorter at ProFoodTech 2017
Marzo 20, 2017

TOMRA Sorting Food will showcase its TOMRA 5A Potato Sorter at ProFoodTech 2017

TOMRA Sorting Food will showcase the TOMRA 5A, its newest state-of-the-art potato sorter, at the new biennial processing event ProFoodTech 2017. Potato Processors can find TOMRA at Booth #1721
To peel its potatoes, Salads and Sides manufacturer Mrs. Gerry’s Kitchen invests in an Orbit 350.
Marzo 20, 2017

Manufacturer of (Potato) Salad and Sides invests in a TOMRA peeling line.

Mrs. Gerry's Kitchen, a manufacturer of Salads and Sides - including numerous variations of potato salad and mashed potatoes, invested in a TOMRA peeling line, consisting of an Orbit 350 peeler with OBD 6/20 brusher and an M01 steam accumulator.
TOMRA Sorting Food appoints Maciek Wasowski as Technical Director to enhance Research and Development
Marzo 09, 2017

TOMRA Sorting Food appoints Maciek Wasowski as Technical Director to enhance Research and Development

Leading food sorting solutions manufacturer TOMRA Sorting Food has appointed Maciek Wasowski as new technical director to oversee the global development of the company’s innovative technologies.
TOMRA opens a Customer Service Center in Turkey
Febrero 18, 2017

TOMRA opens a Customer Service Center in Turkey

Leading food sorting systems manufacturer TOMRA Sorting Food has launched its first customer service center in Istanbul, Turkey, to expand further into the country and beyond to the Middle East.

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