Solapas principales


Solapas principales

Brand Description

TOMRA Food diseña y fabrica máquinas de clasificación basadas en sensores y soluciones integradas post-cosecha que transforman la producción alimentaria mundial para maximizar la seguridad alimentaria y minimizar las pérdidas de alimentos, asegurándose de que Cada Recurso Cuente.

La empresa tiene más de 12,800 unidades instaladas en productores de alimentos, empacadores y procesadores de todo el mundo para confitería, frutas, frutas secas, granos y semillas, papas, proteínas, nueces y verduras.

Estas soluciones incluyen tecnología avanzada de clasificación, selección, pelado y análisis para ayudar a las empresas a mejorar los retornos, obtener eficiencias operativas y garantizar un suministro de alimentos seguro.

TOMRA Food opera centros de excelencia, oficinas regionales y ubicaciones de fabricación en Estados Unidos, Europa, América del Sur, Asia, África y Oceanía.

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News for this Brand

TOMRA to showcase their optical sorting solutions at FoodPro 2017 in Sydney, Australia
Julio 04, 2017

TOMRA to showcase their optical sorting solutions at FoodPro 2017 in Sydney, Australia

TOMRA Sorting Solutions will join Heat and Control at Booth i41 at Foodpro 2017 in Sydney to showcase their wide range of optical sorting solutions.
New TOMRA ACT User Interface helps Food Processors to Optimize Workflow and Improve Profitability
Junio 22, 2017

New TOMRA ACT UI helps Processors optimize Workflow and improve Profitability

TOMRA Sorting Food has unveiled a powerful new graphical user interface (UI) to help food processors get the most from their sorting systems by optimizing work flows and reducing waste to deliver improved profitability.
TOMRA Success Story: Van Roey and Zonen, Belgium
Junio 15, 2017

TOMRA Success Story: Van Roey & Zonen, Belgium

From Belgium, Van Roey & Zonen explains how TOMRA has helped its potato and onion sorting business to reduce expenditure and boost productivity.
Three musketeers (3Ms) invest in potato grading and sorting line
Junio 14, 2017

Three musketeers (3Ms) invest in potato grading and sorting line

With six farms as shareholders of 3Ms (Three Musketeers) operating more than 34,000 acres, they have contracted Haith, Tomra and Dijkstra to put in a new state-of-the-art potato grading and sorting line at their site at Bentwaters, near Woodbridge, Suffolk. A brand new building for this has been constructed also.

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