Solapas principales


Solapas principales

Brand Description

TOMRA Food diseña y fabrica máquinas de clasificación basadas en sensores y soluciones integradas post-cosecha que transforman la producción alimentaria mundial para maximizar la seguridad alimentaria y minimizar las pérdidas de alimentos, asegurándose de que Cada Recurso Cuente.

La empresa tiene más de 12,800 unidades instaladas en productores de alimentos, empacadores y procesadores de todo el mundo para confitería, frutas, frutas secas, granos y semillas, papas, proteínas, nueces y verduras.

Estas soluciones incluyen tecnología avanzada de clasificación, selección, pelado y análisis para ayudar a las empresas a mejorar los retornos, obtener eficiencias operativas y garantizar un suministro de alimentos seguro.

TOMRA Food opera centros de excelencia, oficinas regionales y ubicaciones de fabricación en Estados Unidos, Europa, América del Sur, Asia, África y Oceanía.

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News for this Brand

Why digital transformation matters to food processors and packhouses
Junio 15, 2023

Why digital transformation matters to food processors and packhouses

Though digital technologies are still young, they are already improving operational efficiencies and have the power to help improve profitability in other ways too. Felix Flemming, Head of Digital at TOMRA Food and Recycling, explains.
Bredel hose pump plays an integral role in TOMRA’s sustainable potato peeling solution
Junio 13, 2023

Bredel hose pump plays an integral role in TOMRA’s sustainable potato peeling solution

Bredel hose pumps are contributing to a sustainable solution for steam potato peeling provided by TOMRA Food which reduces water usage, water treatment and food waste.
India’s Bizz Corporation diversifies with its Chillfill brand, achieving higher production volumes and product quality with TOMRA line solutions
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Bizz Corporation enters the French Fry market in India with its Chillfill brand, invests heavily in TOMRA line solutions

Soon after setting up the business in 2005, ATOP Foods became India's first potato chip and namkeen producer to achieve ISO 2000:2005 certification for food safety management systems.
Nestle's Pizza brands find that TOMRA Food's smart Sort Tecnology is best for protection food safety
Mayo 07, 2023

Nestle's Pizza brands find that TOMRA Food's smart Sort Technology is best for protecting food safety

Nestlé now has more than 2000 brands, including global icons and local favorites. Their products can be found in 187 countries worldwide - quite an expansion from their humble beginnings producing condensed milk and infant cereal in the Alps.

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