Potato News

April 06, 2009

Potato Promotion Peruvian style: potato carts

In order to further promote potato consumption in Peru and help producers increase their income, Agriculture Minister Carlos Leyton and representatives from the Municipality of Lima launched today the new "Carritos Paperos"(Potato Carts). A t...
 Fast Food Salad
April 05, 2009

Want Salad With That? Make It Fries

Fast-food chains have recently deflected criticism of their menu offerings by adding healthy items like salads. But a paper soon to be released in the Journal of Consumer Research suggests that the presence of healthy options on a menu can induce some ...
April 05, 2009

La crisis aumenta el consumo de comida rapida en chile... y asciende el sobrepeso

as noticias de que la crisis golpeaba al mundo en el último trimestre de 2008 no disminuyeron los ingresos de las grandes cadenas de comida rápida ni el apetito de sus clientes. Por el contrario, la gente siguió comiendo como antes e incluso más. Así l...
 Morton Salt
April 03, 2009

K + S agrees to buy Morton Salt from Dow Chemical

K+S of Germany agreed Thursday to buy Morton Salt from Dow Chemical Co. for $1.68 billion to become the world's biggest salt producer and reduce its dependence on potash fertilizer.
Extrusion Buhler basic operation principle
April 02, 2009

Buhler Technology Group Fiscal 2008: high operating performance

In fiscal 2008, the Buhler Technology Group increased its sales (turnover) by about 7% to CHF 1893 million, and with an EBIT margin of 8.4% achieved an excellent operating result. Due to the negative financial result, the Group’s overall result decline...
April 02, 2009

McDonald's empieza a reducir el uso de pesticidas

McDonald's Corp, el mayor comprador de la papa en los Estados Unidos, ha acordado adoptar los primeros pasos para reducir el uso de plaguicidas en las explotaciones de sus proveedores nacionales, dijo el martes un grupo de accionistas . Tras el acuer...
Old Dutch
April 02, 2009

Old Dutch workers locked out at Calgary Chips Plant

Union representatives in Alberta are calling for a boycott of Old Dutch potato chips after the company locked out its unionized workers at Calgary on Sunday. The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 401 confirmed Wednesday that its members h...
 Pesticides spraying in potato field
March 31, 2009

McDonald's to take steps to cut potato pesticides

McDonald's Corp, the largest purchaser of potatoes in the United States, has agreed to take preliminary steps to reduce pesticide use in its domestic potato supply, shareholder groups said on Tuesday. Following the agreement, the Bard College Endowme...
March 30, 2009

Intersnack is expected to implement CDC Factory software

CDC Software  announced today that Intersnack is expected to implement CDC Factory, a manufacturing operations management and enterprise manufacturing intelligence solution, at its two plants in the Netherlands to help increase capacity, improve effici...
United Biscuits appoints Paul Graham as UK Sales Director
March 30, 2009

United Biscuits appoints Paul Graham as UK Sales Director

United Biscuits, a leading UK manufacturer of biscuits, snacks and cakes, is pleased to announce the promotion of Paul Graham to UK Sales Director, effective from Thursday 2 April.Paul has been with UBUK for eleven years and is promoted from his curren...
March 30, 2009

Interview with Barry Young, co-owner of Boyd and Blair (potato) Vodka

Interview with Barry Young, Distilling Master and Co-Owner of Pennsylvania Pure Distilleries, makers of Boyd and Blair Vodka.Boyd and Blair Vodka is potato based vodka that has some very unique characteristics to it.
 Pootaardappelen bewaren met Talent: met Talent behandelde Innovator (Agrifirm)
March 30, 2009

Talent (carvon) houdt kiemontwikkeling pootaardappelen onder controle

Door pootaardappelen de hele winter elke dag met een snufje Talent (carvon) te behandelen, komen alle kiemogen op de knollen los, maar de kiemontwikkeling blijft keurig onder controle.


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