Potato News

April 02, 2009

McDonald's empieza a reducir el uso de pesticidas

McDonald's Corp, el mayor comprador de la papa en los Estados Unidos, ha acordado adoptar los primeros pasos para reducir el uso de plaguicidas en las explotaciones de sus proveedores nacionales, dijo el martes un grupo de accionistas . Tras el acuer...
Old Dutch
April 02, 2009

Old Dutch workers locked out at Calgary Chips Plant

Union representatives in Alberta are calling for a boycott of Old Dutch potato chips after the company locked out its unionized workers at Calgary on Sunday. The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 401 confirmed Wednesday that its members h...
 Pesticides spraying in potato field
March 31, 2009

McDonald's to take steps to cut potato pesticides

McDonald's Corp, the largest purchaser of potatoes in the United States, has agreed to take preliminary steps to reduce pesticide use in its domestic potato supply, shareholder groups said on Tuesday. Following the agreement, the Bard College Endowme...
March 30, 2009

Intersnack is expected to implement CDC Factory software

CDC Software  announced today that Intersnack is expected to implement CDC Factory, a manufacturing operations management and enterprise manufacturing intelligence solution, at its two plants in the Netherlands to help increase capacity, improve effici...
United Biscuits appoints Paul Graham as UK Sales Director
March 30, 2009

United Biscuits appoints Paul Graham as UK Sales Director

United Biscuits, a leading UK manufacturer of biscuits, snacks and cakes, is pleased to announce the promotion of Paul Graham to UK Sales Director, effective from Thursday 2 April.Paul has been with UBUK for eleven years and is promoted from his curren...
March 30, 2009

Interview with Barry Young, co-owner of Boyd and Blair (potato) Vodka

Interview with Barry Young, Distilling Master and Co-Owner of Pennsylvania Pure Distilleries, makers of Boyd and Blair Vodka.Boyd and Blair Vodka is potato based vodka that has some very unique characteristics to it.
 Pootaardappelen bewaren met Talent: met Talent behandelde Innovator (Agrifirm)
March 30, 2009

Talent (carvon) houdt kiemontwikkeling pootaardappelen onder controle

Door pootaardappelen de hele winter elke dag met een snufje Talent (carvon) te behandelen, komen alle kiemogen op de knollen los, maar de kiemontwikkeling blijft keurig onder controle.
 EcoFrost NV
March 28, 2009

Ecofrost NV - A story full of enthusiasm!

Ecofrost NV is a young Belgian Company, situated in Peruwelz who specialise in frozen potato products, mainly deep-frozen fries. Ecofrost NV was founded by Pol and Dries Vervaeke along with Luc and Marc Hoflack. Both families have gained enough experien...
March 27, 2009

Menu-labeling bill withdrawn in Maryland

Doyle Niemann, a delegate in the Maryland General Assembly, agreed Thursday to withdraw his menu-labeling bill after it failed to draw much support from lawmakers. The Restaurant Association of Maryland, which actively opposed the measure, praised Niem...
March 27, 2009

Punjab faces potato glut again

Crop diversification — from conventional wheat and paddy crop to potato — hasn’t proved to be a great idea in Punjab. A glut of potato has again hit this season — the produce can be seen dumped on roadsides — with the growers now contemplating reducing...
China Essence CEO increases stake in the company, comments on loan obligations
March 27, 2009

China Essence CEO increases stake in the company, comments on loan obligations

China Essence Group Limited (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its Chief Executive Officer Mr. Zhao Libin, purchased a total of 1,000,000 Company shares from the open market yesterday, at an average price of S$0.1137 per share.With the latest ...
 Organic Trade Association (OTA)
March 26, 2009

Organic Trade Association praises talks on organic equivalency agreement between U.S. and Canada

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) today expressed support and encouragement for the Canadian and U.S. governments in their efforts to reach an organic equivalency agreement. Progress on the Canadian-U.S. talks was announced yesterday at OTA’s Policy ...


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