
Fundamental change in blight strains impacting Irish potato crops.
六月 19, 2022

Fundamental change in blight strains impacting Irish potato crops

There is a major displacement of potato-blight strain populations taking place in Ireland at the present time. Speaking on a recent edition of the Tillage Edge podcast.
WPC: Teagasc discussed breeding new potato varieties.
六月 06, 2022

WPC: Teagasc discussed breeding new potato varieties

Teagasc used its presence at this week’s World Potato Congress (WPC) to network with comparable organisations, in particular those undertaking similar projects regarding breeding new potato varieties.
Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
一月 04, 2022

World Potato Congress Webinar - 'Introducing the World Potato Congress in Ireland' presented by Liam Glennon

In preparation for the World Potato Congress being held from May 30 to June 2, 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
WPC 2022 Call for Abstracts.
十月 06, 2021

World Potato Congress 2022 (WPC2022) Call for Abstracts

The call for abstract submission for WPC 2022 is now open and authors are encouraged to submit their abstract online for consideration. Deadline for Oral Submissions: 30th November 2021. Deadline for Poster Submission: 15th February 2022.
Potatoes stop growing in parched earth
七月 29, 2018

Ireland: Potatoes stop growing in parched earth

David Rodgers, growing potatoes in normally lush and fertile North Co Dublin says the unprecedented conditions over recent weeks – from an exceptionally cold spring to a record-breaking hot summer – have forced his potato plants into “shutting down”.
 Potato Genome
八月 29, 2012

Legal challenge refused over first genetically modified potatoes in Ireland

A group of campaigners in the Irish Republic has been refused a legal challenge over the first trial of a genetically modified potato crop. In July, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave the go ahead for a gm blight-resistant potato crop to be tested in County Carlow.
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八月 01, 2012

GM potato trial 'threatens Ireland's image'

Ireland's environmental protection agency has approved the first trial of a genetically modified potato crop.
八月 01, 2012

Blight-resistant GM spuds to save Irish growers €450/ha, says lead researcher

Potato growers could achieve potential savings of more than €450/ha if they used a blight-resistant genetically modified (GM) potato variety instead of a conventional variety.
 Potato Genome
七月 30, 2012

En Irlanda se ensayarán papas transgénicas

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) dio su visto bueno para las pruebas de una papa genéticamente modificada (GM) que es resistente al tizón de la papa. En los próximos cuatro años se sembrarán en Irlanda dos hectáreas con esta papa genéticament...
七月 26, 2012

Green light for growing GM potatoes in Ireland

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today given consent to Teagasc, Oak Park, Co Carlow, to carry out field trials on a genetically modified (GM) potato line with improved resistance to late potato blight.
二月 29, 2012

Teagasc applying to field test GM potatoes as part of EU Research Study

Teagasc are applying to the EPA for a licence to undertake a series of field studies using GM potatoes resistant to potato late blight disease to determine the potential impact this technology could have on our ecosystems. As part of the 22 partner ‘A...
八月 24, 2010

Rain sought by Irish potato growers to bulk crop

Potato growers are fervently hoping for some rain to bulk up the main harvest.
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六月 02, 2010

Irish Potato Farmers warned of new aggressive potato blight

Irish Scientists have warned potato farmers to be on alert for a new aggressive strain of potato blight called “Pink 6”.Stephen Kildea of Teagasc, the agriculture and food development authority, said the new strain could not be properly controlled by s...
七月 28, 2009

New Aggressive strain of potato blight is proving difficult to control

Controlling blight is of paramount importance to all potato growers, whether big or small. Research over the past two years by Dr Stephen Kildea and others in Teagasc Oak Park has shown the type of blight Ireland is getting now is changing compared t...


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