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Enero 04, 2022
World Potato Congress Webinar - 'Introducing the World Potato Congress in Ireland' presented by Liam Glennon

Octubre 06, 2021
World Potato Congress 2022 (WPC2022) Call for Abstracts

Julio 29, 2018
Ireland: Potatoes stop growing in parched earth

Agosto 29, 2012
Legal challenge refused over first genetically modified potatoes in Ireland
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Julio 30, 2012
En Irlanda se ensayarán papas transgénicas

Febrero 29, 2012
Teagasc applying to field test GM potatoes as part of EU Research Study

Junio 02, 2010
Irish Potato Farmers warned of new aggressive potato blight

Julio 28, 2009