
十二月 01, 2008

Potato Starch Manufacturer KMC has much to celebrate, but 'Now is not the time to rest'

KMC’s annual meeting was held on November 28, 2008 and Chairman Martin Arvad was pleased to report of a year in which KMC not only celebrated its 75 year anniversary, but also of a year that presented one of the best results in KMC’s history.In Denmark...
Potato Starch manufacturer China Essence Group reports 39.1% increase in 1H FY2009 Revenue;Construction new starch plant has started
十一月 14, 2008

Potato Starch manufacturer China Essence Group reports 39.1% increase in 1H FY2009 Revenue

Chinese Potato Starch Manufacturer China Essence Group reports: Revenue increases 39.1% to RMB359.7 million for 1H FY2009 thanks to stronger potato starch sales and a higher average selling price of potato starch. Gross profit surges 26.1% to...
十一月 13, 2008

Henrik Skoett new head of environmental team at KMC

KMC is proud to announce the addition of Henrik Skoett, MSc in biochemistry as head of the environmental team. Henrik brings 12 years of experience and service in public wastewater management with him.KMC is committed to maintain a healthy world enviro...
十一月 05, 2008

ADM Starch and Sweetener Profits Drop Sharply on High Corn and Energy Costs

ADM has revealed its starch and sweetener operations saw profits tumble by more than US$100 million in the first quarter of 2009 – almost the only negative in an otherwise buoyant set of results.The company’s starch and sweeteners sector made US$65 mil...
十一月 04, 2008

Aardappelzetmeel-concern Avebe aarzelt nog over aanvraag toelating Modena

Aardappelzetmeelbedrijf Avebe aarzelt nog altijd over het indienen van een toelatingsaanvraag bij de EU voor de genetisch veranderde aardappel Modena. Het concern hikt erg aan tegen de lange en kostbare aanvraagprocedure, zei onderzoeksmanager Peter ...
National Starch
十月 29, 2008

Akzo Nobel Postpones Sale of National Starch Business unit

Akzo Nobel has postponed the sale of its National Starch unit because of the financial turmoil gripping global markets.The Dutch chemical giant said it would not sell its starch business this yearChief Financial Officer Keith Nichols said: "There ...
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 Carolina Starches
十月 24, 2008

Steven Brower (Carolina Starches) joins Trident Workforce Investment Board

Steven Brower is an Owner/Partner in Carolina Starches, North America’s leading supplier of specialty potato starch derivatives for the pulp and paper and allied industries. Brower and his two partners purchased the North American Paper Division assets...
十月 20, 2008

Avebe legt eigen leden boetes op

Avebe legt zijn eigen leden boetes op als ze niet voldoen aan de leveringsplicht. Inmiddels zijn 90 boetes uitgedeeld die per boete op kunnen lopen tot wel 25.000 euro.Het is voor het eerst dat Avebe boetes uitdeelt. Tussen boeren en Avebe zijn afsprak...
Cargill's view on the future of the starch market
十月 15, 2008

Cargill's view on the future of the starch market

Cargill's product manager starches, Chris Hollebek, provides his view on teh developments in the starch market in an interview with Foodnavigator (Video)
十月 09, 2008

CSM announces completion of sale of gluconic acid plant to Avebe

CSM announces the completion of the sale of the small scale gluconic acid and gluconates production plant of its subsidiary PURAC biochem in Ter Apelkanaal, the Netherlands to AVEBE. The transaction is effective per October 1, 2008.The transaction comp...
十月 06, 2008

Avebe is tevreden over voortgang bij Solanic

Avebe is goed op weg om te veranderen van een traditioneel zetmeelbedrijf naar een onderneming die alle componenten van de aardappel tot waarde brengt. Dat zeggen de directeur Agro Arjan de Rooij en de voorzitter van de Raad van Commissarissen, Hans Ho...
十月 01, 2008

Agrana reports loss for 1H FY09

At AGRANA, the international sugar, starch and fruit group, the first half of the 2008|09 financial year was defined by high raw material and energy prices. The resulting decrease in margins, along with one-time expenses for a write- down on apple ju...
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十月 01, 2008

Avebe vreest verlies inkomenspremies

Veenkoloniale akkerbouwers dreigen hun bedrijfstoeslagen kwijt te raken bij een al te drastische omschakeling van het EU-landbouwbeleid.Met die waarschuwing kwam Avebe-voorzitter Hans Hoekman vandaag naar de Tweede Kamer. Een Kamercommissie belegde een...
九月 30, 2008

Danish Potato Starch Manufacturer KMC announces results 2007/2008

Danish Potato Starch manufacturer KMC's results for the fiscal year 2007/08* are one of the best in KMC’s history, president Uffe Andreasen announces. The fiscal year that ended August 31 exceeded the budgeted result with a little over 10%, which is mo...
 Agramna Staerke GmbH
九月 26, 2008

Agrana Potato Starch Campaign 2008 forecasts

The potato starch campaign at the AGRANA facility in Gmünd|Lower Austria started on 26 August. Including organic potato starch, this year’s harvest will be around 210,000 tonnes (prior year: 195,000 tonnes), thereby reaching the limit of the contractua...
九月 26, 2008

Avebe Executive Gerben Meursing visits Taiwan

Gerben J. Meursing, Managing Director of Commerce of AVEBE UA, arrived in Taipei recently to host the 6th anniversary of opening ceremony AVEBE (Far East) Pte Ltd Representative Office, one of AVEBE's subsidiaries. Meursing said, "We will streng...
九月 17, 2008

KMC Shanghai moves to new office

KMC has been active in China more than a decade and to match our continuous activities in China, we have upgraded our facilities in Shanghai.Our new office is located in the Gateway International Plaza – on 22nd Floor.Address details:KMC Shanghai Offic...
九月 09, 2008

Recordwinst voor Avebe

Avebe heeft het afgelopen boekjaar afgesloten met een recordwinst van 36 miljoen euro, het hoogste resultaat ooit voor het aardappelzetmeelconcern.


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