
Averis New Shareholder of Breeders Trust
十一月 23, 2024

Averis New Shareholder of Breeders Trust

The breeding company Averis, located in Veendam, has joined Breeders Trust as a shareholder. Breeders Trust supports participating companies in protecting and enforcing plant breeder rights and contract terms.
Starch Europe Announces Decarbonisation Roadmap.
十月 14, 2022

Starch Europe adopts Decarbonisation Roadmap

Starch Europe announced the adoption and publication of a sector-wide decarbonisation Roadmap 2019-2030.
At their yearly conference, returning this year to an in person event
Cargill opens a Culinary Experience Hub in Vilvoorde to help customers respond to evolving consumer demand
十一月 14, 2019

Cargill opens a Culinary Experience Hub in Vilvoorde to help customers respond to evolving consumer demand

Investment in Vilvoorde will give customers the opportunity to create new recipes and ingredients with Cargill’s R&D experts in Vilvoorde, Belgium.
Starch is the most common carbohydrate in our diet.
五月 21, 2019

Starch Europe launches new website on starch in food

Starch Europe, the trade association representing the European starch industry, has launched a new website on starch in food as the organisation celebrates its 60th anniversary campaign.
Starch Europe appoints Andreas Delvaux as Communication Manager
四月 24, 2018

Starch Europe appoints Andreas Delvaux as Communication Manager

Industry association Starch Europe announced earlier this month that Andreas Delvaux joined the organisation as Communication Manager.
Starch-based Food ingredients made simple with this Q&A by Starch Europe
六月 27, 2017

Starch-based Food ingredients made simple with this Q&A by Starch Europe

Today, Starch Europe launched a new online Q&A platform “Starch in Food: Your Questions Answered”
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Starch Europe announces winners of 2015-2016 Safety Awards
十月 26, 2016

Starch Europe announces winners of 2015-2016 Safety Awards

Improving safety practices and achieving a safer working environment is a priority for all the EU starch producers. Starch Europe announces today the winners of this year’s safety awards.
Discussing a fair and level global playing field for starch and derivates
十月 23, 2015

Discussing a fair and level global playing field for starch and derivates

EU and US negotiators were meeting this week in Miami, USA for the 11th round of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations. Negotiations on tariffs and quotas could have serious implications – either positive or negative - for the agricultural and primary food transformation sector as markets would open up.
Agri food chain partners share best practices on implementation EU promotion policy for agri-food products
十月 22, 2015

Agri food chain partners share best practices on implementation EU promotion policy for agri-food products

Celcaa, FoodDrinkEurope, SACAR and Copa and Cogeca held a high-level Seminar in Brussels today to
discuss the new EU promotion policy for agri-food products which is entering into force on 1 December
System boundaries life cycle assessment starch industry: cradle to gate
五月 27, 2015

New Life Cycle Assessment study on Starch Products published

Starch Europe published today the summary report of an updated Life Cycle Assessment study of the European Starch industry
Despite large potato crop in North-Western Europe, producers are finding opportunities
十二月 07, 2014

Despite large potato crop in North-Western Europe, producers are finding opportunities

The total ware potato harvest in the five North-Western European Potato growers (NEPG) countries - Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Great Britain - in 2014 is estimated at more than 28 million tons.
Starch Europe, until October 15, 2014 called AAF (Association des Amidonniers et Féculiers)
十月 24, 2014

Newly branded Starch Europe outlines how starch industry can contribute to EC targets

Starch Europe (formerly AAF, Association des Amidonniers et Féculiers) announced its support for the European Commission’s Communication for a European Industrial Renaissance at an event held in Brussels October 15.
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EU court annuls approval of BASF's Amflora GMO potato
十二月 17, 2013

EU court annuls approval of BASF's Amflora GMO potato

Europe's second-highest court on Friday overturned a decision by the European Commission to allow the cultivation and sale of a genetically modified potato developed by German chemicals group BASF.
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
二月 26, 2012

EFSA: no adverse effects of cultivation GM Amflora potato

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published a scientific opinion on the Post-Market Environmental Monitoring (PMEM) report for the 2010 cultivation season of the genetically modified Amflora potato.
 European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2020)
十月 20, 2011

European Starch Industry comments on new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2020)

Last week, the Commission presented its proposals for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2020) to the European Parliament. That triggered a number of reactions from stakeholders. The European starch industry association (AAF), as a major user o...
四月 17, 2011

En Bruselas hay un atasco de 66 productos transgénicos esperando autorización;la papa está incluida

En Bruselas hay un atasco de 66 productos transgénicos esperando autorización, 21 de ellos para cultivo y 45 para importar de los países que monopolizan el mercado mundial. En este atolladero burocrático de los transgénicos hay de todo: patata, girasol...
九月 21, 2010

EU battle over GM potato continues

Luxembourg has joined Hungary and Austria in their legal challenge over the authorisation of BASF’s genetically modified (GM) potato Amflora.
 Kartoffelmelcentralen (KMC)
九月 10, 2010

Europe stevent af op tekort aardappelzetmeel

De vraag naar aardappelzetmeel uit de Europese Unie is sterk gestegen.


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