
七月 26, 2012

Green light for growing GM potatoes in Ireland

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today given consent to Teagasc, Oak Park, Co Carlow, to carry out field trials on a genetically modified (GM) potato line with improved resistance to late potato blight.
七月 05, 2012

Green light for further research with GM potatoes in Belgium

One year after the protest against the test fields for GM potatoes in Ghent, the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) has been given the green light for a second phase of research.
 Food Valley Award 2012
六月 27, 2012

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program nominated for the Food Valley Award

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program one of the three nominees for the 2012 Food Valley Award. Potatoes are the world's third most important food crop after rice and wheat. They are significantly more efficient in their use of water and nutri...
六月 13, 2012

European agricultural policy goes down the tubers

The following is a commentary published this week in Nature, on the GMO situation in Europe, focused on potatoes:
五月 16, 2012

Wagenings onderzoek met GM-aardappel bij Raad van State aangevochten

De organisatie Gentechvrije Burgers uit Lelystad heeft een zaak bij de Raad van State aangespannen waarin wordt geëist dat de vergunning die door het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu is verleend aan de Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek van Wageningen Universiteit voor proeven met genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelplanten wordt vernietigd.
五月 11, 2012

Decision due on GM potato trial in Ireland

The Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland is expected to decide by the end of this month whether to allow a field study on genetically modified potatoes.
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五月 09, 2012

Texels proefbedrijf werkt aan zilte aardappels

Marc van Rijsselberghe probeert op Texel uit te vinden welke gewassen kunnen groeien in zoute grond en met zout water.
 Los agentes causales de la podredumbre blanda de las patatas ocasionan unas pérdidas totales superiores a cualquier otra enfermedad bacteriana. Imagen: UPM.
五月 07, 2012

En España identifican genes implicados en la podredumbre blanda de la papa

Una de las infecciones microbianas más frecuentes entre especies de interés para los agricultores, como la patata, es la podredumbre blanda de algunas de sus zonas que hace que el cultivo quede inutilizado. Un equipo internacional de investigadores, l...
四月 30, 2012

Potato genome mapping benefits within a decade, says genetics specialist

Growers could start seeing the benefits of the potato genome being sequenced within the next decade, with varieties bringing new traits such as PCN resistance or improved tuber shape.
 Fortuna GM potato with resistancy against phytophthora
四月 05, 2012

BASF continues field trials with GM potatoes in Europe

BASF Plant Science will again conduct field trials this year with genetically optimized potatoes which are undergoing the EU approval process.
三月 26, 2012

Why Ireland needs to test GM potatoes

A major new European Union study is set to examine the effects of growing genetically modified, blight-resistant potato plants on biodiversity and the environment in agricultural ecosystems.
三月 18, 2012

Wil Europa onze aardappel wel?

Wageningen UR ontwikkelt een milieuvriendelijke aardappel met resistentiegenen tegen de agressieve aardappelziekte. Het is onduidelijk of de introductie van deze aardappel kans van slagen heeft in het technofobe Europa. Goede kans dat-ie straks in Chin...
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二月 29, 2012

Teagasc applying to field test GM potatoes as part of EU Research Study

Teagasc are applying to the EPA for a licence to undertake a series of field studies using GM potatoes resistant to potato late blight disease to determine the potential impact this technology could have on our ecosystems. As part of the 22 partner ‘A...
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