
八月 17, 2011

El mercado de la papa es un "desastre que puede llegar incluso al caos"

La mesa de la papa de la provincia de Castilla y León acuerda un descenso de 15 euros por tonelada para la jaerla y de 10 para la roja La papa se hunde por momentos y no es una frase hecha;así lo señalan los propios profesionales, productores y almac...
八月 16, 2011

Late Blight threatens potato crops in New Brunswick

Late blight has been identified in eight parishes across the Canadian province New Brunswick, threatening the crops of potato farmers. Scientists are urging potato farmers who have the fungus in their fields to treat it quickly and aggressively. &quo...
 Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)
八月 16, 2011

Award Winning SAC Student Answers Questions on pit rot of Potatoes

SAC 1st Class Honours graduate, Amanda MacLennan, from the Black Isle used the recent Potatoes In Practice Event near Dundee to present the results of her research into Pit rot of potatoes.
八月 16, 2011

Teelt genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelen op commerciele schaal in Nederland vanaf 2012

BASF Plant Sciences verwacht dat vanaf 2012 de genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelrassen Amflora, Amadea en Modena geteeld kunnen worden in Nederland. De teelt van Amflora is al toegelaten in Europa, de twee andere ggo aardappelrassen bevinden zich nog ...
 Late blight
八月 15, 2011

Targeting Late Blight in Canada

This year’s weather conditions in potato-growing regions of Canada are very conducive to an onslaught of late blight, which is caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, and is considered one of the most devastating diseases of potato- and tomato-g...
United States Potato Board
八月 15, 2011

US Potato Sales & Utilization estimates by the United States Potato Board

The USPB is pleased to deliver the industry’s sales and utilization estimates for calendar year 2010. The full report is attached following this story.
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 Farm Fresh Direct
八月 15, 2011

Merger gives Farm Fresh Direct claim to being largest grower-owned fresh potato shipper in nation

An Aug. 12 merger between Colorado-based Farm Fresh Direct LLC and two out-of-state potato shippers has FFD laying claim to being the largest grower-owned fresh potato shipper in the United States. According to Dave Yeager, vice president of business ...
八月 15, 2011

Export vital for Scottish seed potato business

Securing the recent growth in Scottish seed potato exports was as important as looking to develop new markets, Mark Prentice, the Potato Council's head of seed and export told growers at Potatoes in Practice held near Dundee. Total seed exports had sm...
 Maine Potato Board
八月 15, 2011

Damp weather helps spread of late blight in Maine potato crop

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension says late blight sightings have been confirmed over the last month throughout Aroostook County and the Midcoast areas. Meanwhile, the Maine Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers Association has received reports...
八月 14, 2011

Aardappelindustrie Nederland verwerkt record hoeveelheid aardappelen

De Nederlandse aardappelverwerkende industrie neemt in Europa een vooraanstaande plaats in bij de productie van aardappelconsumptieproducten. En er wordt meer gemaakt dan alleen voorgebakken producten (frites, blokjes, schijfjes e.d.).
八月 14, 2011

Aardappeltermijnmarkt sluit de week op € 7,60

De aardappeltermijnmarkt opende vrijdag op € 7,70. De aanleiding kwam o.a. uit België door een lagere Belgapom notering. Na vrijdagmorgen voortdurend te hebben gehandeld op € 7,70 en € 7,60 steeg vrijdagmiddag de termijnmarkt naar € 7,90. Veel koopvraa...
 water reuse
八月 14, 2011

Water recycling plant helps potato packing firm cut water use by 85%

A £1M water recycling plant in the South West has enabled potato packer and distributor Branston to reduce its use of mains water by 85%. As a result of the plant in Ilminster, Somerset, Branston is saving 41 cubic metres of mains water a day, as wast...
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八月 14, 2011

Aardappeloogst West-Brabant deels verloren door regen

Op veel plaatsen in West-Brabant rotten de aardappelen van het land als gevolg van de hevige regenval in de afgelopen weken. Bij de verzekeringsmaatschappijen zijn al tientallen schadeclaims van boeren binnengekomen. Taxateur Willy Litjens van de Onde...
 Belgapom prijs
八月 13, 2011

Belgapom prijs daalt nog lager

De Belgapomprijs voor vroege aardappelen is de meest gehanteerde prijs waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor machinegerooide aardappelen van vroege rassen voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt.
 Sarpo Mira
八月 13, 2011

Genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelen bestand tegen phytophthora

Begin mei werden op een proefveld van het Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek (ILVO) in Wetteren 26 experimentele lijnen met ggo-aardappelen aangeplant om hun resistentie tegen de aardappelplaag (Phytophthora Infestans) te testen onder Vlaams...
八月 13, 2011

Perú, cuna de papas exqusitas

Adaptación de una entrevista que hicieran recientemente a su autor, Zósimo Huamán. El texto completo se encuentra disponible en esta página.
Brazilian buyers looking at Wisconsin seed potatoes
八月 11, 2011

Brazilian buyers looking at Wisconsin seed potatoes

Wisconsin hosted a group of potatoes growers from Brazil last week, who came to the United States as part of a reverse trade mission sponsored by the United States Potato Board. The growers are interested in obtaining seed potatoes from the U.S., speci...
 Late Blight
八月 11, 2011

Late blight affects some Maine potato farmers amid rainy weather

The rainy spring and summer have put a damper on the Aroostook County potato growing season, but the head of the Maine Potato Board said Wednesday that the industry remains optimistic about this year’s crop. Don Flannery, executive director of the boa...


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