
 Frank van Schaayk at PotatoExpo 2011
六月 08, 2011

Aginfo interview with Frank van Schaayk: Building a Strong Front

French fries and potatoes are not evil but they have been demonized. What will it take to get the buying consumer to realize that a potato is a very simple, healthy and wholesome food and not the primary culprit in rampant obesity?
 The New Food Plate: MyPlate
六月 02, 2011

MyPlate replaces food pyramid

First Lady Michelle Obama and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today unveiled the federal government’s new food icon, MyPlate, to serve as a reminder to help consumers make healthier food choices.
六月 02, 2011

Michelle Obama onthult 'MyPlate'

五月 31, 2011

Plant worker handling diacetyl awarded $814,500 for 'popcorn lung'

A plant worker won an $814,500 judgment in Baltimore County Circuit Court after claiming he contracted a rare lung disease known as "popcorn lung"from breathing diacetyl, a chemical used to make food taste buttery.
 Food Pyramid
五月 27, 2011

Goodbye Food Pyramid, Hello Dinner Plate

The Obama administration is about to ditch the food pyramid, that symbol of healthy eating for the last two decades. In its place officials are dishing up a simple, plate-shaped symbol, sliced into wedges for the basic food groups and half-filled with...
 Colorado Potato Heart Healthy Sweepstake
五月 25, 2011

Colorado Potato Administrative Committee promotes Heart Health

The Colorado Potato Administrative Committee (CPAC) is marketing Colorado Potatoes in Denver with banner ads on KOA 850 AM
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Snack-chip technology with a pop
五月 23, 2011

Snack-chip technology with a pop

By now you’ve seen, heard or crunched on the new snack craze that’s popped its way into store aisles.
 Omega-9 oils
五月 23, 2011

Omega-9 Oils from Dow AgroSciences Remove 1 Billion Pounds of Bad Fats from Diet

Omega-9 Oils from Dow AgroSciences have helped remove over 1 billion pounds of saturated and trans fats from the North American diet with beneficial economic and nutritional impact on the food industry.
五月 18, 2011

Federal Plan to Limit Potatoes on School Menus Whips Up Supporters of this 'Gateway Vegetable'

Maine—Around here, you can find "Maine Potato Candy"—mashed potatoes rolled in coconut and dipped in chocolate—and potato donuts. A popular county fair offers wrestling matches in a vat of potatoes. In a state where spuds are the top agricult...
 Boulder Canyon red wine vinegar kettle chips
五月 18, 2011

Potato chips reach for new flavors, new appeal

From spicy new flavorings to premium ingredients, potato chips are cashing in on a whole new image these days.
 Gluten-free potato lasagne
五月 11, 2011

Potatoes are Gluten-Free!

According to a recent survey, only 19% of Americans rate potatoes as excellent for being gluten free (2011 USPB’s Attitudes &Usage Study). In fact, potatoes are 100% gluten-free!
 American Heart Association Heart Check Mark
五月 10, 2011

American Heart Association Certifies Fresh Idaho® Potatoes as a Heart-Healthy Food

When it comes to heart-healthy produce, consumers can put a check next to Idaho® potatoes on their shopping list.
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四月 20, 2011

French fries no longer such a hot potato

Fries have been getting downsized. The introduction of dollar menus, effects of the recession and end of supersizing have taken a toll on french fry consumption at restaurants.
 Papas a la francesa
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Las papas a la francesa ya no son el plato fuerte de los restaurantes de comida rápida

La introducción de los menús de dólar, los efectos de la recesión y el final de las porciones gigantes han hecho mella en el consumo de papa a la francesa en los restaurantes. En los Estados Unidos, las ventas de papa congelada procesada a los restaur...
四月 17, 2011

Illinois takes step toward banning trans fats

Illinois restaurants may soon have to find a way to cut artificial trans fats from French fries, onion rings, popcorn shrimp, pies, cakes and fried chicken.
 Potato Nutrition
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Potato Consumption in Children's Meals Leads to Higher Overall Diet Quality

Research to be presented this week at The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Conference in Washington, D.C., demonstrates that consumption of white potatoes (non-fried) by children does not displace other vegetables from children's meals.
四月 12, 2011

Technomic finds lower calorie items gaining momentum on restaurant menus

As America ramps up its fight against bulging waist lines, restaurant chains are providing ammunition in the form of great-tasting menu items with 550 or fewer calories.
United States Potato Board 2011 Attitude And Usage Study Now Available!
四月 11, 2011

United States Potato Board 2011 Attitude And Usage Study Now Available!

Every year in January, the United States Potato Board (USPB) commissions a national online survey of 1,000+ US female primary food shoppers to track current potato attitudes and use in US households, and especially among our media target market.


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