
Purple potatoes
五月 20, 2015

Purple: Are you familiar with truffle potatoes?

Belgian Potato Supplier Pomuni offers purple potatoes for years, but they are still unfamiliar to many. Pomuni brings purple potatoes in two flavours: Bergerac and Vitelotte.
Value of HZPC certificate increases with the maximum 10 percent
五月 14, 2015

Value of HZPC certificate increases with the maximum 10 percent

The value of the certificate of HZPC Holland B.V., world leader in potato breeding and seed potato export, is determined on € 113.15 after the Stock trading day 2015.
Koers HZPC-certificaat stijgt met maximale 10 procent
五月 14, 2015

Koers HZPC-certificaat stijgt met maximale 10 procent

De certificaatkoers van HZPC Holland bv, wereldleider in aardappelveredeling en pootgoedexport, is na Beursdag Mei 2015 vastgesteld op €113,15.
Syngenta offers a range of potato crop protection solutions
五月 14, 2015

Syngenta response on Monsanto acquisition offer

Syngenta reacts to the acquisition offer of Monsanto reported in the media in this response dated May 8, 2015
Holanda presenta resultados de investigación sobre resistencia a tizón tardío
五月 03, 2015

Holanda presenta resultados de investigación sobre resistencia a tizón tardío

La conferencia se realizará el 3 de septiembre de 2015 en las instalaciones de la Universidad de Wageningen. No tiene ningún costo pero los asistentes deben pagar su hotel y el desplazamiento aéreo y terrestre.
Website Princesse AmaPotato Brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine by Pomunidine
四月 26, 2015

First Potato Brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine by Pomuni

Pomuni, market leader in the Belgian table potatoes market, will this summer introduce the first potato brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine
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Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature
四月 21, 2015

Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature

Researchers from Ghent University and the International Potato Center have discovered that sweet potatoes naturally contain genes from a bacterium. Because of the presence of this 'foreign' DNA, sweet potato can be seen as a 'natural gmo'.
Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants
四月 16, 2015

Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants

Fresh-food specialist for the hotel and restaurant industry Rungis and HZPC are bringing the ancient potato varieties from the Andes back on to the plate in Dutch restaurants.
Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) (Courtesy MPI, Afzal Khan)
三月 08, 2015

Research: Fighting the Colorado Potato Beetle with RNA

Colorado potato beetles are a dreaded pest of potatoes all over the world. Now, scientists from the Max Planck Institutes of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam-Golm and Chemical Ecology in Jena have shown that potato plants can be protected from herbivory using RNA interference (RNAi).
UK industry exhibitors report excellent outcomes from Fruit Logistica
二月 25, 2015

UK industry exhibitors report excellent outcomes from Fruit Logistica

Building on the growing success of its collaboration over the past two years, Potato Council and Horticultural Development Company (HDC) brought the largest collaborative UK stand yet to this year’s Fruit Logistica event in Berlin.
New Neiker Tecnalia potato varieties combine high nutrtional value with suitability for processing
二月 23, 2015

New Neiker Tecnalia potato varieties combine high nutritional value with suitability for processing

New Neiker Tecnalia potato varieties ‘Entzia’ (right) and ‘Miren’ (left) combine high nutrtional valiue with suitability for processing
Neiker (España) crea dos nuevas variedades de papaa de gran valor nutricional y aptitud industrial
二月 23, 2015

Neiker (España) crea dos nuevas variedades de papa de gran valor nutricional y aptitud industrial

La papa (o patata) cuenta con dos nuevas variedades elaboradas por el Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia, Se trata de ’Entzia’ y ‘Miren’.
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España: Recuperan variedad de papa de altura
二月 22, 2015

España: Recuperan variedad de papa de altura

El Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada realiza una experiencia de recuperación de la 'papa' copo de nieve, una variedad propia de la alta montaña que está en peligro de extinción.
Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium
二月 05, 2015

Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium

Een nieuwe, revolutionaire methode om nieuwe aardappelrassen te kweken kan een flinke impuls geven aan fotosynthese-onderzoek. Daarom treedt Solynta, de ontwikkelaar van de kweekmethode, toe tot BioSolar Cells
Award winning Europlant potato variety Elfe, offering excellent suitability for washing and pre-packing
一月 30, 2015

Europlant invites you to discuss seed potatoes at FruitLogistica

The very high harvest yields and drop in fresh potato consumption will, EUROPLANT Pflanzenzucht GmbH believes, be one of the dominant themes at this year’s Fruit Logistica, where you can visit the company in a completely revamped stand
Agrico celebrating worldwide choice in seed and table potatoes at Fruit Logistica.
一月 29, 2015

Agrico celebrating worldwide choice in seed and table potatoes at Fruit Logistica

Agrico will be participating in Fruit Logistica, held from Wednesday 4 until Friday 6 February in Berlin. At this leading international fair Agrico will present its worldwide choice in the fields of seed and table potatoes.
Het aardappelras Carolus
一月 25, 2015

Agrico-ras Carolus smaakmaker tijdens Biobeurs

Vorige week nam Agrico deel aan de vernieuwde Biobeurs die plaats vond in het IJsselhallencomplex te Zwolle. Tijdens deze beurs zette Agrico haar bijzonder resistente en zeer smaakvolle biologische aardappelras Carolus in de spotlight
Potato Cooperative Agrico presents its members excellent results
十二月 16, 2014

Potato Cooperative Agrico presents its members excellent results

Potato cooperative Agrico reported that its 2013/2014 financial year was a good potato year, in which Agrico made good payments to its members for both seed and table potatoes.


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