
El CIP y HZPC apoyan a agricultores en preservar la variación genética de sus papas
八月 07, 2014

El CIP y HZPC apoyan a agricultores en preservar la variación genética de sus papas

Las papas de colores (perupas) son la respuesta de HZPC a las demandas de grandes chefs y cocineros domésticos por una variedad en la presentación y el gusto de los tubérculos.
HZPC betaalt telers € 33,42 per 100 kilo over Oogst 2013
六月 15, 2014

HZPC betaalt telers € 33,42 per 100 kilo over Oogst 2013

HZPC Holland bv betaalt zijn pootgoedtelers in de Nederlandse pool € 33,42 per 100 kilo over Oogst 2013. Deze definitieve uitbetalingsprijs ligt iets boven de prognoseprijs van € 33 die HZPC eind februari van dit jaar bekend maakte.
Agrico aardappelen
五月 02, 2014

Agrico presenteert gemiddelde indicatieprijs van 28,50 EURO per 100 kg voor alle geleverde maten

Aardappelcoöperatie Agrico maakte dit weekend aan haar leden een gemiddelde indicatieprijs van € 28,50 per 100 kg bekend voor pootgoed van oogst 2013.
HZPC publishes forecasted price seed potatoes crop 2013
三月 05, 2014

HZPC publishes forecasted price seed potatoes crop 2013

HZPC Holland B.V. expects to pay its seed potato growers at least 33 euro per 100 kg for crop 2013. This forecasted price is 10% above the expected 30 euro that HZPC expressed to its growers at the beginning of December 2013.
HZPC publiceert prognoseprijs pootaardappelen Oogst 2013
三月 05, 2014

HZPC publiceert prognoseprijs pootaardappelen Oogst 2013

HZPC Holland bv verwacht zijn pootgoedtelers minstens €33 per 100 kilo te zullen betalen over Oogst 2013.
Roland Peerenboom
三月 04, 2014

Nieuwe Algemeen Directeur voor KWS POTATO B.V.

KWS is verheugd om mee te delen dat Roland Peerenboom per 1 maart 2014 is benoemd tot Algemeen Directeur van KWS POTATO B.V.
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The Agrico stand at Fruit Logistica 2014 was well-attended
二月 12, 2014

Agrico looks back on a successful Fruit Logistica

From Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2014 Agrico exhibited at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. During this major and well-attended international trade show, Agrico presented its extensive range of seed and table potatoes.
HZPC's Colourful Perupas come in six types: Magenta Love, Double fun, Violet Queen, Blue Star, Violetta and Anya (Anya not shown)
二月 11, 2014

HZPC introduces colourful Perupas

Last week, at the Fruit Logistica in Berlin, HZPC launched their new vegetable: Colourful Perupas! Colourful and tasty tubers with a WOW! feeling.
Agrico to celebrate sustainable choices during Fruit Logistica in Berlin
二月 03, 2014

Agrico to celebrate sustainable choices during Fruit Logistica in Berlin

From Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2014 Agrico will be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. During this major international trade show, Agrico will be presenting its extensive range of seed and table potatoes.
Agrico presents new potato varieties at the Holland Varieties Show.
十一月 07, 2013

Agrico presents new potato varieties at the Holland Varieties Show

On Thursday 7 November 2013 Agrico opened its annual varieties and seedlings show at its breeding and research farm, Agrico Research, in Bant.
 GMO free labeling
五月 12, 2013

Snacks #1 product carrying GMO free label; increased use expected

Interest in natural products has grown markedly in recent years. This has been reflected in a number of ways in new product activity, such as the use of all natural colors, flavors and other raw materials and in the growing use of GMO-free labeling.
Christian Bachem
三月 08, 2013

Discovery of genetic mechanism allowing potato cultivation in northern latitudes

An international team of scientists headed by Wageningen University has discovered a genetic mechanism which allows potato plants to develop tubers during the long days of spring and summer in northern latitudes.
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 Albert Bartlett
二月 04, 2013

Gourmandine Potato variety soon available in the United Kingdom

During the upcoming Fruit Logistica, Agrico will sign a contract with the UK firm Albert Bartlett, who will shortly introduce the Gourmandine potato variety in the United Kingdom.
Agrico presents new potato varieties in Italian museum setting
十一月 13, 2012

Agrico presents four promising potato varieties in an Italian museum

On Thursday 8 November Agrico opened its annual Presentation of Varieties and Seedlings at its breeding company Agrico Research in Bant.
十月 25, 2012

Solynta wint Food Valley Award 2012 @Food Valley Expo

“Het winnen van de Food Valley Award is geweldig. We zijn nu in een fase beland dat het zo goed gaat dat we op zoek zijn naar partners en daar helpt het winnen van zo’n prijs enorm”, aldus Pim Lindhout, hoofd Research &Development Solynta.
Solynta, FOODsniffer chosen for Ag Innovation Showcase
八月 09, 2012

Solynta, FOODsniffer chosen for Ag Innovation Showcase

Two innovative Dutch agri-food companies, Solynta and FOODSniffer, have been selected to present at the Ag Innovation Showcase in St. Louis Sept. 10-13. Solynta has developed a revolutionary breakthrough in potato breeding technology.
 Food Valley Award 2012
六月 27, 2012

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program nominated for the Food Valley Award

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program one of the three nominees for the 2012 Food Valley Award. Potatoes are the world's third most important food crop after rice and wheat. They are significantly more efficient in their use of water and nutri...
五月 16, 2012

Wagenings onderzoek met GM-aardappel bij Raad van State aangevochten

De organisatie Gentechvrije Burgers uit Lelystad heeft een zaak bij de Raad van State aangespannen waarin wordt geëist dat de vergunning die door het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu is verleend aan de Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek van Wageningen Universiteit voor proeven met genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelplanten wordt vernietigd.


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