McCain Foods announced Champion Potato Grower for Florenceville
八月 29, 2009

McCain Foods announced Champion Potato Grower for Florenceville

Howard Culberson & Sons of Jacksonville was named the 2009 McCain Champion Potato Grower for Florenceville during the annual McCain Growers' Banquet held at the Northern Carleton Civic Centre.Potatoes are rated throughout the year on a variety of fa...
八月 26, 2009

Canada adds acrylamide to toxic substance list

Health Canada has added acrylamide to the government’s list of toxic substances.   Having added acrylamide to its toxic list, Health Canada will be pursing a three-pronged strategy to reduce exposure to the substance from food sources. It will press ...
 The Potato Association Of America
八月 10, 2009

World's potato experts meet in Fredericton at PAA annual meeting

Fredericton is in the eye of the potato world this week with more than 200 delegates from Canada, the United States and 10 other countries attending the 93rd annual meeting of the Potato Association of America. The potato virus Y, which can affect cro...
 Little Potato Company
八月 05, 2009

The Queen of Spuds: Angela Santiago, CEO of the Little Potato Company

Angela Santiago, CEO of The Little Potato Company in Edmonton, Alberta was recently hailed as Canada's 'Queen of Spuds' by Global TV. Since Angela Santiago harvested her first one-acre crop by hand in 1996, the Little Potato Company’s co-founder and CE...
 Cavendish Farms
七月 28, 2009

Cavendish Farms buys appetizer division Omstead Foods

Omstead Foods Limited announced today that Cavendish Farms, one of North America's leading processors of frozen potato products, has purchased the Appetizer division of Omstead Foods.In a transaction that closed today, Cavendish Farms, a member of the ...
 Prince Edward Island Potato Board
七月 28, 2009

Potato blight flourishing on Prince Edward Island

Wet, humid conditions are leading to the worst season for late blight on potatoes on P.E.I. in years. Provincial agriculture officials report 30 cases of late blight so far this summer in Island potato fields. Last year at this time, there were just t...
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七月 27, 2009

P.E.I. potato-farming family Hendricken going bust

Last year's wet crop may have been the last straw for a prominent family of potato farmers and activists in central P.E.I. The Hendrickens have been farming in Pisquid, northeast of Charlottetown, for almost 50 years. But they are now about $2.5 milli...
七月 23, 2009

WASH study: Foods in Canada contain more salt than elswhere

A study by the British-based World Action on Salt and Health, or WASH, compared the salt content of 260 food products under global brands such as KFC, McDonald's, Kellogg, Nestlé, Burger King and Subway. Not a single product surveyed had the same sal...
七月 17, 2009

Canadian potato acreage harvest 2009 down slightly

The preliminary 2009 area planted to potatoes for Canada was estimated at 378,400 acres (153 138 hectares), down less than 1 percent from 2008. Despite little change nationally, the area planted varied widely by province.Farmers in Newfoundland and L...
七月 16, 2009

Se ha detectado el tizón tardío en la Isla del Principe Eduardo

Se ha culpado al clima por la aparición de dos casos de tizón tardío en cultivos de papa de la isla. "Es algo totalmente inesperado", dijo a CBC News Brian Beaton, coordinador del Ministerio de Agricultura en aspectos relacionados con la pa...
七月 16, 2009

Late blight detected on Prince Edward Island

The weather is being blamed for two cases of late blight found this week in P.E.I. potato fields. "It wasn't completely unexpected,"Brian Beaton, the potato co-ordinator with the P.E.I. Department of Agriculture told CBC News on Wednesday. &...
 J.R. Simplot
七月 14, 2009

Agridatasolutions LLC offers farmers easy data management system

Agri-Trend Data Corp of Red Deer, Alberta, and The J.R. Simplot Company of Boise, Idaho, have created a joint-venture company called the U.S. Agri-Data Solutions LLC (USADS) to deliver their proprietary Agri-Data Solution(TM) Netware Platform to agricu...
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七月 13, 2009

Gain Report: Organic Foods in Canada

With the growing availability of industry data, and given the significant growth in imports between 2007 and 2008, it is estimated that the retail value of organic food in the Canadian market reached C$2.1 – 2.6 billion in 2008.The main categories of o...
 Late Blight
七月 13, 2009

High fines help protect PEI against potato disease

Island farmers who don't properly dispose of bad potatoes will face much higher fines, as the province moves to stop the spread of diseases. Farmers are required to bury potatoes that can't be sold due to bruising or disease. Potatoes that are not di...
Cavendish Farms unveils new Bio-Gas Facility
六月 22, 2009

Cavendish Farms unveils new Bio-Gas Facility

Cavendish Farms, one of North America's leading producers of frozen potato products, unveiled a critical vital new element in their environmental action plan, and a first for the potato industry in North America.
六月 17, 2009

Saint John River Valley Potato Inc. Celebrates Grand Opening

Federal representatives joined company officials, members of the community and former Triple Crown jockey winner Ron Turcotte, to celebrate the grand opening of a new packing plant at Saint John River Valley Potato Inc. “Our government is proud to par...
 Sormac processing line
六月 16, 2009

Sunfresh Farms Ltd. (Alberta) installs Sormac Peeling Lines

Located in Alberta, Canada, Sunfresh Farms processes locally grown produce, and produce transported by 7 trucks from its own fleet of vehicles, from other production regions, including potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and swedes. Sunfresh Farm...
六月 04, 2009

Increased soil testing required in revised CFIA/USDA Potato Cyst Nematode Guidelines

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced revised guidelines for potato cyst nematode (PCN) that will allow continued trade of seed potatoes between the two countries. While PCN do...


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