
Investigadores españoles identifican la presencia de la raza Blue13 del patógeno causante del tizón tardío de la papa
三月 12, 2015

Investigadores identifican en España la presencia de la raza Blue13 del patógeno causante del tizón tardío de la papa

Científicos del Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia han realizado el estudio de la estructura genética de Phytophthora infestans -causante del tizón tardío de la papa- y han identificado por primera vez en España la existencia del genotipo Blue13 (13_A2). El hallazgo es fruto de los resultados obtenidos en la tesis doctoral del ingeniero agrónomo Néstor Alor, presentada en la Universidad de Lleida y dirigida por el Dr. José Ignacio Ruiz de Galarreta.
Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) (Courtesy MPI, Afzal Khan)
三月 08, 2015

Research: Fighting the Colorado Potato Beetle with RNA

Colorado potato beetles are a dreaded pest of potatoes all over the world. Now, scientists from the Max Planck Institutes of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam-Golm and Chemical Ecology in Jena have shown that potato plants can be protected from herbivory using RNA interference (RNAi).
potatoes damaged by the Guatemalan potato moth
一月 14, 2015

Cómo eliminar la polilla gutemalteca de la papa durante la poscosecha

Resumen de la ponencia que sobre el tema se presentó en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado recientemente en Bogotá.
España: Tenerife avanza en nuevas investigaciones sobre la polilla de la papa
十二月 03, 2014

España: Tenerife avanza en nuevas investigaciones sobre la polilla de la papa

Una de las líneas de trabajo es el control biológico de la plaga con la suelta de una pequeña avispa que parasita en los huevos e impide su ciclo natural.
Winnaars Inno Potato Award verkozen tijdens Interpom | Primeurs
十一月 26, 2014

Winnaars Inno Potato Award verkozen tijdens Interpom | Primeurs

Jeroen Hindryckx uit Koekelare en Condi-Plants uit Gembloux zijn tot winnaars van de tweede Inno Potato Award.gekozen tijdens de Interpom | Primeurs in Kortrijk.
Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector
八月 03, 2014

Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector

The Potato Demo Day is an easily accessible event for the Potato Sector. The programme is implemented at limited costs and in cooperation with participating companies from the sector.
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New international collaboration helps protect potatoes against nematodes
七月 30, 2014

New international collaboration helps protect potatoes against nematodes

Experts from the UK and India are working together to identify and develop novel environmentally-sustainable strategies to control plant pests, known as plant-parasitic nematodes to ensure global food production and security.
Sporangia of P. infestans: sporangium from which a zoospore is germinating. (photo: B. G. Turgeon; Cornell University)
六月 11, 2014

Breakthrough in understanding swarming potato blight spores

Researchers at the Universities of Dundee and Aberdeen have made a breakthrough in understanding how the microbial spores which cause potato blight are so effective at infecting plants.
Bagged Potatoes on pallets (Courtesy Itar-Tass)
六月 10, 2014

Russia places temporary ban on import Ukrainian potatoes

Russia’s Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) has issued a temporary import ban on potatoes from neighboring Ukraine.
Potato Blight warning issued in Northern Ireland
六月 10, 2014

Potato Blight warning issued in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and CAFRE, Greenmount Campus has issued the first potato blight warning for 2014.
UK: Potatoes emerge to perfect storm of blight pressure
五月 15, 2014

UK: Potatoes emerge to perfect storm of blight pressure

In the United Kingdom, many potato crops are now emerging well - straight into conditions that pose a high risk of blight.
Simplified life cycle of Phytophthora Infestans (Schumann et. al.)
四月 17, 2014

Neiker-Tecnalia scientists warn of new resistant late blight variants

Scientists at the Basque agricultural research Institute Neiker-Tecnalia have for the first time identified the existence in Álava-Araba of the two sexual types A1 and A2 of the fungus Phytophthora infestans and warn the crossing between both types could lead to the appearance of new, more aggressive strains resistant to routine phytosanitary teatments
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Neiker constata la presencia en España de dos tipos de reproducción A1 y A2 del hongo causante del tizón tardío de la papa

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Cómo controlar el nematodo dorado de la papa mediante la biofumigación de crucíferas

Agrocabildo, el servicio masivo de difusión de tecnología agraria de Tenerife, acaba de publicar los resultados de un estudio realizado para determinar cuál crucífera es la más efectiva en el control del nematodo dorado de la papa.
Plagas agrícolas son ‘muy subestimadas’, dice estudio
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Plagas agrícolas son ‘muy subestimadas’, dice estudio

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Sharon Dijksma, State Secretary for Economic Affairs (PvdA)
二月 20, 2014

Russia to end Dutch Potato ban

Russia will start importing Dutch seed potatoes again, once a quality inspection has deemed them suitable. This could mean a 10 million euro export opportunity for companies.


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