

Aardappelfarm produces and markets delicacy potatoes with a strong focus on quality and sustainability. They supply (catering) wholesalers, potato processors, suppliers of supermarkets and grocery stores

Aardappelgroothandel Jac van den Oord BV

Jac van den Oord is a Dutch company specialized in potato wholesale and transport

Aardevo B.V

Aardevo B.V. is a new joint venture company between KWS SAAT SE and the J.R. Simplot Company, to deliver top performing potato varieties through hybrid breeding.


Agrico is a Dutch farmers cooperative of over 1,300 specialist potato growers, producing in excess of one million tonnes of seed and ware potatoes per year.

Agrofood Cluster

The Agrofood Cluster is a national network in the Netherlands dedicated to advancing open cultivation through knowledge-sharing, business development, and innovation. With a focus on enhancing seed potato cultivation research, the cluster recently merged with The Potato Valley, optimizing resources and expanding its reach within the sector.

Agroplant Holland B.V

Agroplant is an expert in the field of seed and consumption potatoes and offers a wide range of potato varieties. In addition to seed potatoes Agroplant also supplies fresh consumption potatoes worldwide
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Altena Potatoes

Altena Potatoes is a family business of the brothers Joop and Kees Schouten and Eddy (4th generation), the son of Kees.

Averis Seeds BV

Averis Seeds B.V., created in 2001, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Coöperatie Koninklijke Avebe U.A., focusing in the creation, multiplication, and trade of starch potato varieties.

Aviko Potato

Aviko Potato is responsible for the purchase, logistics and quality management of all potatoes for the Aviko Group factories.


Bejo is a leading company in breeding, production and sales of vegetable seeds, with operations in more than thirty countries.

Bijl Aardappelen BV

Bijl Aardappelen BV is a Dutch company that trades, sorts and packs potatoes for customers both in the Netherlands and abroad, both for retail and for processing.

Boerderij Friet (ZVL fries)

Boerderij Friet formally known as ZVL fries are located on a farm in the van Alstein polder in New Namur. ZVL fries grow their fresh potatoes with great love.
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Den Hartigh

Den Hartigh is a Dutch supplier of seed potatoes, specialized in global distribution


East4Fresh is an innovative company, specialized in fresh, authentic, exotic fruit and vegetables. They bring color 2 your assortment, they stimulate your senses by selling special exotics

Eosta B.V.

Eosta is presently Europe's most innovative importer, packer and distributor of organically grown fresh produce. Eosta serves major retailers and natural food stores in Europe, the USA, Canada and the Far East.


ERF BV is a netherland private based company with a largest organic farm and modern techniques in the cultivations 20 organic arable and vegetable crops such as potatoes, cereals, peas, spinach, and beans.


Flevo Trade offers high quality vegetables and potatoes directly from the growers.


Fobek b.v. was founded in 1951 by a large group of Northern growers, traders and breeders. In 1953, the Fobek started breeding new better potato varieties for the affiliated traders and growers.Fobek is now a joint venture of its customers / clients that carries out potato breeding programs on assignment. It is a potato breeding company that develops new varieties for customers.They have range of potato varieties which are disease and pest tolerant.


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