
Egypt: Potato Export to the United Kingdom
一月 31, 2025

Egypt exports record amount of potatoes to the United Kingdom

Egypt continues to rapidly increase its potato exports to the United Kingdom. After setting a record volume of exports in 2023, Egyptian exporters further increased export volume by a factor 2.7 in 2024, according to EastFruit. 
Egyptian Potato Fields: Thriving Despite Global Challenges
五月 03, 2024

Egyptian potato exports to Asia immune to red sea crisis

The outbreak of the Red Sea crisis has taken its toll on many Egyptian export campaigns - citrus fruits being the first casualty - but it seems that the potato export campaign is holding up well. 
Egypt’s pressure on the potato markets fueled by the sharp devaluation of pound
三月 25, 2024

Egypt’s pressure on the potato markets fueled by the sharp devaluation of Egyptian pound

According to EastFruit analysts, the sharp devaluation of the Egyptian pound is having a noticeable impact on the potato market in Europe.
Egyptian processing potatoes were an important source for European factories from February to May
十一月 30, 2023

Egyptian processing potatoes were an important source for European factories from February to May

Yassen Abdelhay, export advisor at Arafa Group, reports on the crucial period for European factories from February to May 2023, and how Egyptian producers played a key role during this phase.
Egyptian potato exports to EU to reach at least 3-year high in 2023
七月 17, 2023

Potato export from Egypt to the European Union is up in 2023

This year Egyptian potato exports to the EU market are expected to reach at least three-year high.
Raw Purple sweet potato
七月 13, 2023

Egypt is strengthening its position in the Dutch sweet potato market

Egypt continues to hold the position of the second biggest supplier of sweet potatoes to the Dutch market and is increasing its export of sweet potatoes to the Netherlands year after year.
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Are potatoes from Egypt a solution for the potato shortage in Europe?
五月 18, 2023

Are potatoes from Egypt a solution for the potato shortage in Europe?

This year is marked by strong demand and insufficient supply of potatoes, a situation that professionals of the industry and media go so far as to call 'the global potato shortage'.
Nuevos mercados a los exportadores egipcios
五月 17, 2023

Las patatas egipcias obtienen buenos resultados en el mercado español

Este año se ha caracterizado por cambios en el clima mundial que han trastocado las producción de patatas y provocado alteraciones en los canales de aprovisionamiento.
Egypt exported a record volume of potatoes to Southeast Asia in 2022
四月 10, 2023

Egypt exported a record volume of potatoes to Southeast Asia in 2022

By the end of 2022, Egypt exported a record volume of potatoes to the countries of Southeast Asia, EastFruit reports. Indonesia remained the main destination for their supply, and exports more than doubled last year.
Egypt imported 131 thousand tons of seed potato and 25 thousand tons of frozen french fries and potato chips
一月 18, 2022

Egypt imported 131 thousand tons of seed potato and 25 thousand tons of potato products (French Fries and Chips)

Sources revealed to Al-Mal that 131 thousand tons of potato seeds arrived from European facilities approved for import from last October until early January, for 76 approved varieties.
Egypt Potato exports at 674K tons
九月 04, 2020

Egypt Potato exports at 674K tons

Egypt has exported a total of 674,480 tons of potatoes to world market, especially the European Union countries, since April 2020, according to Head of Central Administration of Plant Quarantine at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Ahmed al-Attar.
Western Australian delegation visits Egypt to assess export opportunities seed potatoes
十二月 12, 2019

Western Australian delegation visits Egypt to assess export opportunities seed potatoes

A trade delegation including Western Australian (WA) potato industry leaders toured Egypt in November, confirming the potential to export at least 10,000 tonnes of seed potatoes.
Potato export from Egypt to Europe already at 200.000 tonnes
三月 07, 2019

Potato export from Egypt to Europe already at 200.000 tonnes

Egypt has succeeded in opening new markets for agricultural crops, including potatoes.
Russia partially lifts ban on potato exports from Egypt
六月 06, 2018

Russia partially lifts ban on potato exports from Egypt

Russia has agreed to ease a ban on potato exports from eight farming areas in Egypt, allowing shipments to resume from June 6.
Chipsy launches its biggest agricultural programme for potato seed production
四月 27, 2018

Egypt: Chipsy launches agricultural program to produce all seed potatoes locally

Pepsico's joint venture in Egypt, Chipsy For Food Industries SAE, announced a major agricultural programme to produce all seed potatoes locally.
Russia blocks two potato shipments imported from Egypt due to detection brown rot
三月 20, 2018

Russia blocks two potato shipments from Egypt due to detection brown rot

Russia’s agricultural quarantine authorities flagged two potato shipments imported from Egypt that were found to be contaminated with potato brown rot.
Jordan lifts ban on potato imports from Egypt
十一月 01, 2017

Jordan lifts ban on potato imports from Egypt

Jordan has lifted its ban on the import of Egyptian potatoes, according to the Egyptian Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
Contract farming of potatoes best practice in Egypt
六月 14, 2016

Contract farming of potatoes best practice in Egypt

Sonac, an Egyptian potato grower, packer and exporter based in Alexandria is about to finish its potato season. However, according to Export Manager Dalia Gamal, the current situation of the potato sector isn’t as good as it should be.


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