
Europa: se desploma el precio de las patatas para industria
三月 11, 2025

Europa: se desploma el precio de las patatas para industria

Tras polémicas decisiones por parte de los industriales, los precios de las patatas caen más del 10% repentinamente.
Brasil: precios se mantienen a la baja
三月 11, 2025

Brasil: precios se mantienen a la baja

Los precios no suben y el exceso de oferta no colabora para que así suceda.
Colombia: profunda crisis para el sector productivo
三月 10, 2025

Colombia: profunda crisis para el sector productivo

Los números no cierran y los productores piden ayuda gubernamental para poder competir.
West Bengal Government Announces Minimum Support Price for Potatoes to Support Farmers Amidst Bumper Harvest
三月 10, 2025

After distress sales West Bengal State Government helps potato farmers with a solid minimum support price

The state cabinet on Tuesday approved a minimum support price (MSP) of INR 900 (USD 10.8) for a quintal of potato after reports that farmers were forced to go for distress sale of the crop following bumper production this year.
Egypt strengthens its position as Greece's top potato supplier, with peak exports from February to April. (Courtesy: Global Trade Tracker, Analysis by EastFruit)
三月 06, 2025

Egypt sets record for potato exports to Greece

Egypt continues to increase its potato exports to Greece, reports EastFruit. In the MY 2023/24, over 156,000 tons of ware potatoes were imported into Greece from Egypt, valued at USD 64 million. This represents a 12% increase from the previous season and a 71% increase from the 2021/22 season, marking an all-time high.
Productores también señalaron la falta de apoyo del gobierno con la eliminación de programas y subsidios. (Cortesía: CUARTOSCURO)
三月 05, 2025

México: sobreprecio en supermercados afecta a productores y consumidores

En México, el precio de la papa en campo cayó de MXN 24 (USD 1.33) a MXN 8 (USD 0.44) por kilo entre septiembre de 2024 y febrero de 2025, mientras que los supermercados mantienen su precio casi sin cambios, perjudicando a productores y consumidores.
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Mexico Kicks Off Potato Exports to the USA, Led by Conpapa
三月 02, 2025

Conpapa Announces Historic Launch of Mexican Potato Exports to the United States

In Mexico, the National Confederation of Potato Producers (Conpapa) is preparing to begin exporting potatoes to the United States for the first time in its history as part of a bilateral agreement, starting in March.
Colombia: crisis de precios para el sector productivo
二月 25, 2025

Colombia: crisis de precios para el sector productivo

Los precios de venta se desploman, sobre todo en la región de Nariño que es una de las mayores en términos de producción.
Fill Your Boots with Fresh PEI Potatoes! Join us on March 1st, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for a fun, free event and support local food banks!
二月 24, 2025

Two Island Farms Collaborate for Free Potato Giveaway Event!

Two local farms are joining forces for another Fill Your Boots Event, allowing Islanders to pick their own free potatoes straight from Island potato storages. The giveaway aims to build on the success of the Fill Your Boots events of the last three years.
17 thousand hectares were established in the valleys of El Fuerte and Guasave, which are beginning to harvest for the industry.
二月 19, 2025

Mexico: Sinaloa expects historic potato harvest in 2025

The Sinaloa state in Mexico is preparing for a historic potato harvest in 2025, with a planted area exceeding 17 thousand hectares, a notable increase compared to previous years with an estimated production of over 500 thousand tons.
El precio de la papa Yungay registró SOL 1.00 (USD 0.27) por kilo este 14 de febrero, reflejando una estabilización en el mercado tras la caída registrada a inicios de año. (Cortesía: Hytimes)
二月 18, 2025

Perú: evolución de precios en 2025

Especialista en la materia ofrece sus perspectivas sobre la oferta, los precios y los factores climatológicos que hacen al país en los primeros meses del año.
Calbee Group and Shiretoko Shari Agricultural Cooperative Collaborate to Develop a Stable Supply Source of Potatoes
二月 18, 2025

Calbee Group and Shiretoko Shari Agricultural Cooperative Collaborate to Develop a Stable Supply Source of Potatoes in Japan

Calbee Group has partnered with the Shiretoko Shari Agricultural Cooperative to secure a stable supply of potatoes. As part of their collaboration, the agricultural cooperative plans to build a new frozen processing facility, aimed at enhancing production and ensuring consistent potato supply for Calbee's operations.
Royal HZPC Group Forecasts Revenue Growth to USD 523 Million in 2024/2025
二月 14, 2025

Seed potato company HZPC expects strong result

Seed potato breeding and trading company Royal HZPC Group, expects to achieve a strong result for the financial year 2024/2025 (July – June), with global total tonnage potentially surpassing the 1 million ton mark for the first time.
Wholesale potato prices are decreasing in Ukraine
二月 12, 2025

Wholesale potato prices are decreasing in Ukraine

Ukrainian farmers haven’t been able to avoid a drop in potato prices, according to analysts from the EastFruit project. Experts note that while potato prices in Ukraine remained relatively stable for two weeks, many producers are now forced to lower their prices this week.
Cost of Consumption Potatoes Continues to Rise Due to Climate Change
二月 12, 2025

Cost of Consumption Potatoes Continues to Rise Due to Climate Change

The Consumption Potatoes Working Group (WCA) of the Dutch Agricultural Union (NAV) has made an estimate of the cost price for the upcoming season (2025). In recent years (harvests of 2022, 2023, and 2024), potato growers have already faced a significant increase in costs.
España: los números de la importación de patata de siembra
二月 11, 2025

España: los números de la importación de patata de siembra

Los Países Bajos son el gran ganador en términos porcentuales, siendo la gran mayoría de las importaciones de origen holandés. El perdedor, el Reino Unido.
Costa Rica: precios se duplican en las ferias
二月 10, 2025

Costa Rica: precios se duplican en las ferias

No hay perspectivas de abaratamiento en los precios. Las lluvias complicaron mucho la producción así como la multiplicación de semilla para el uso propio.
Perú: sobreproducción y venta a perdida
二月 10, 2025

Perú: sobreproducción y venta a perdida

A cincuenta céntimos el kilo, los precios de venta no llegan a cubrir los costos de producción en Ayacucho. El apoyo gubernamental se muestra insuficiente.


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