
The team of FreshCrop Limited in Kenya
二月 05, 2023

Solynta and FreshCrop sign hybrid potato collaboration agreement in Kenya

Solynta – hybrid potato breeding technology company from The Netherlands and FreshCrop Limited, Kenya’s largest producer of seed tubers, have signed an agreement to collaborate on the development of hybrid true potato innovation in Kenya.
La patata española se lanza a la conquista de Francia y de Europa.
二月 04, 2023

La patata española se lanza a la conquista de Francia y de Europa

El sector de la patata mira al 2023 con ilusión, ante el despegue que está viviendo, con buenos precios, concentraciones empresariales y un creciente interés en Europa, gracias a la calidad del producto, que destaca tanto para freír, como guarnición o como aperitivo en bolsa.
Biostimulants protect crops from climatic stressors
二月 04, 2023

Biostimulants protect crops from climatic stressors

Biostimulants can act as an insurance policy for growers this spring, especially as another wave of frosts threatens to knock crops back. So far, winter has been wet and except some sharp frosts, relatively mild – resulting in many autumn sown crops being further forward than usual.
Potato retail sales on the rise: dollar sales increase 17.2% in Q4 2022
二月 02, 2023

Potato retail sales in the United States on the rise: dollar sales increase 17.2% in Q4 2022

Potato retail sales in the United States increased in dollar value by 17.2% but decreased in volume sales by -1.3% from October – December 2022 compared to the same timeframe a year ago.
Antioxidants, a booster shot for late blight prevention in potatoes
二月 02, 2023

Selenium: a booster shot for late blight prevention in potatoes

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) scientists have discovered that selenium, a micronutrient and anti-oxidant activates genes in potatoes that boosts the plant's immunity and helps in the prevention of late blight.
Cosecha de papa mueve la economía en Intibucá
二月 01, 2023

Honduras: Cosecha de papa mueve la economía en Intibucá

El cultivo de papa mueve la economía en sectores de Intibucá, con alta generación de empleos y el aporte hacia la seguridad alimentaria, destacaron productores de la zona.
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Agri-Tech innovator unveils new iteration of crop insights tool
二月 01, 2023

Harvesteye shows latest version of its potato monitoring tool for harvesters and sorters at Fruit Logistica

HarvestEye is set to launch the newest version of its industry leading machine-learning driven root crops insights tool at Fruit Logistica, the world’s largest fresh produce trade fair.
Greenvale teams up with Trinity AgTech to boost sustainability and carbon credentials for potato growers
二月 01, 2023

Greenvale teams up with Trinity AgTech to boost sustainability and carbon credentials for potato growers

Leading UK potato supplier Greenvale AP Ltd has partnered with Trinity AgTech to roll out Trinity’s natural capital navigator, Sandy, to farms across the country, supporting them in credibly and confidently analysing and reaching their environmental targets.
USDA SCRI funds new research: potatoes and pests – actionable science against nematodes
二月 01, 2023

USDA SCRI funds new research: potatoes and pests – actionable science against nematodes

USDA’s Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) recently announced funding (USD 6.8M) for Potatoes and Pests – Actionable Science Against Nematodes (nicknamed PAPAS).
Produccion de Papa en Colombia
一月 31, 2023

Así puede prevenir la enfermedad de la punta morada de la papa en sus cultivos

En Colombia se siembran aproximadamente 130.000 hectáreas de papa y se producen cerca de 2,8 millones de toneladas al año. Sus cultivos se encuentran principalmente en zona fría entre 2.200 a 3.200 metros sobre el nivel del mar.
Firma de convenio con Yara para el uso de fertilizantes verdes
一月 30, 2023

Firma de convenio con Yara para el uso de fertilizantes verdes

El Parque Papas firmó con la empresa Noruega Yara, líder mundial en producción de fertilizantes minerales, un acuerdo comercial para el suministro de fertilizantes verdes.
Disruptions in the potato sector
一月 30, 2023

NEPG provides an update on the potato situation in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany: more potatoes needed!

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) report on the potato market in the NEPG zone (France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany)
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Outside the University of Manitoba potato storage facilities: (L-R) Fernanda Gouvea Pereira, senior technician, Dr. Mario Tenuta, NSERC/WGRF/Fertilizer Canada Industrial Research Chair in 4R Nutrient Stewardship And Professor of Applied Soil Ecology, Depa
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University of Manitoba potato storage facilities get an upgrade as governments invest

The governments of Canada and Manitoba are investing CAD 98,970 (USD 74,193) through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) to upgrade the University of Manitoba's Horticulture Storage Facility so it can conduct innovative potato research
IFA Demand Investigation into How Bord Bia Mark QA Appeared on French Baby Potatoes
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Irish Farmers Demand Investigation into How Bord Bia Mark QA Appeared on French Baby Potatoes

Irish Farmers Association President Tim Cullinan said the recent incident of French baby potatoes being labelled with the Bord Bia Quality Assurance mark is unacceptable.
Patatas Hijolusa adquire Natuber
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Patatas Hijolusa compra Natuber y garantiza los 49 empleos de la fábrica de Álava

La empresa Patatas Hijolusa SA, con planta en León, ha adquirido la alavesa Natuber, empresa transformadora de patata en producto de IV gama, en una operación cuyo importe ambas compañías han preferido no detallar.
La patata Princesa Amandine
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La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón Sabor del Año 2023 por segundo año consecutivo

Por segundo año consecutivo, la patata Princesa Amandine renueva como mejor Sabor del Año 2023 escogida por los consumidores en una prueba realizada por laboratorios sensoriales independientes.
Belgium with record participation at Fruit Logistica 2023
一月 25, 2023

Belgium with record participation at Fruit Logistica 2023

From 8 to 10 February 2023, thirty-two Belgian suppliers of fruit and vegetables, potatoes and fruit trees, together with three trade associations and four fruit and vegetable auctions, will present themselves at the joint stand of Flanders’ Agricultural Marketing Board, VLAM, at Fruit Logistica in hall 27, at stand A 22.
Frost causes heavy damage to potato, vegetable crops in north India
一月 24, 2023

Frost causes heavy damage to potato, vegetable crops in north India

Potato farmers in the northern parts of the country have suffered heavy crop losses due to ground frost owing to the fall in temperatures in the last week.


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