
SoilEssentials urges farmers to get their soil tested to save on inputs
二月 20, 2023

SoilEssentials urges farmers to get their soil tested to save on inputs

Farmers across Scotland are being urged to have their soils tested and analysed in the face of continuing high input prices and ahead of changes to Scottish agricultural support schemes.
Potato breeding company HZPC is on track for the expected result of the financial year 2022-2023.
二月 18, 2023

Potato Breeding Company HZPC financial results in line with expectations

Potato breeding company HZPC is on track for the expected result of the financial year 2022-2023.
Asociafruit patatas nuevas
二月 17, 2023

Román (Asociafruit): Hay patata nueva en los supermercados, más cara, pero de mejor calidad

La Alianza UPA-COAG de Castilla y León, ASAJA de Castilla y León y ASAJA nacional han alertado del supuesto fraude que observan en varias cadenas de supermercados en España.
Papas de Sinaloa
二月 14, 2023

Sinaloa ha embarcado 60,000 toneladas de papa a nivel nacional

El presidente de la Sección Especializada de Papa del sector agrícola particular confió en que las actividades sigan incrementándose gradualmente. Las cosechas de papa
comenzaron a incrementarse en la región, ya que a estas alturas se estima que ya fueron recolectadas por los productores alrededor de 1800 hectáreas.
Royal Cosun: Significant upturn of results in turbulent 2022 Dirk de Lugt, Chairman of the Board of Royal Cosun
二月 14, 2023

Royal Cosun: Significant upturn of results in turbulent 2022 Dirk de Lugt, Chairman of the Board of Royal Cosun

At Aviko, sales in frozen and chilled potato products grew strongly, partly due to the recovering foodservice market. The new Aviko factory in Poperinge in Belgium, which opened last year, and Aviko’s operations in China are contributing to this growth.
Agtech: Breaking down the farmer adoption dilemma
二月 14, 2023

Agtech: Breaking down the farmer adoption dilemma

Agriculture technology (Agtech) has an adoption challenge. There are multiple barriers to introduction and scaling from an industry perspective. An analysis by McKinsey.
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Claridge resigns as Potatoes NZ CEO
二月 13, 2023

Chris Claridge resigns as CEO of Potatoes New Zealand

Potatoes New Zealand has announced the resignation of its chief executive, Chris Claridge. He has been in the role for a total of seven years, since 2015.
The Agricultural Revolution from the Paleolithic era to modern of Agriculture
二月 13, 2023

Potato farming in Odisha, India: Interview with Samarendu Mohanty,  Asia Regional Director at the International Potato Center (CIP)

Interview with Samarendu Mohanty,  Asia Regional Director at the International Potato Center (CIP) focused on the potato situation in Odisha, India
Land sale provides plot for new Walkers facility
二月 12, 2023

Land sale provides plot for new Walkers facility

The food manufacturer intends to expand its operations in the area, having agreed to purchase the 6.4-acre site off Thurcaston Road from the city council for more than GBP 3.5m (USD 4.2m).
International Potato Center and CGIAR appoint Dr. Simon Heck Director General and CGIAR Senior Director
二月 10, 2023

International Potato Center and CGIAR appoint Dr. Simon Heck Director General and CGIAR Senior Director

The International Potato Center (CIP) Board of Trustees and CGIAR leadership have appointed Dr. Simon Heck as Director General of CIP and CGIAR Senior Director.
Blair Richardson
二月 09, 2023

Potatoes USA President: Potato Demand Exceeds World Production

The President of Potatoes USA says worldwide demand for the tuber is outpacing production.
Cara Harbstreet Food and Nutrition Expert
二月 08, 2023

Not Just Delicious! Potatoes are also Nutrition Powerhouse

It's the New Year, which means many of us are trying to eat better, save money and find more time in our day. Cara Harbstreet, registered dietitian and intuitive eating expert, recommends a kitchen hero that's a solution for it all: the potato!
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Starch potatoes: how does France quietly liquidate a sovereign agricultural sector?
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Starch potatoes: how does France quietly liquidate a sovereign agricultural sector?

Faced with the economic plunge in the potato starch sector, the UNPT calls on producers to mobilize on February 8 at the call of the FNSEA Grand Bassin Parisien to make their demands heard by the Government.
Nueva Variedad de Papa INIA 333 CHUGAYNA
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INIA 333 CHUGAYNA en la nueva variedad de papa con alta calidad genética para el Perú

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North Gujarat: Land of Potatoes for Processing
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North Gujarat: Land of Potatoes for Processing

Planting of potatoes for processing in North Gujarat was completed by November 2022. Harvest is to begin around February 20, 2023, and production is expected to be 1.9M tons.
Potato promotion in a grocery store in Beijing
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China a potentially big export market for potatoes from Pakistan

China is a potentially big market for Pakistani potato, because the price of potato in China is higher, especially from January to April every year.
A PEI Farmer destroys his potato crop by putting it through a snowblower. An estimated 250 million pounds of PEI potatoes were destroyed in 2022 due to the Federal government’s restrictions.
二月 06, 2023

PEI Potato Board Seeks Removal of Export Restrictions on PEI Potatoes in the Light of IAP Report

The PEI potato industry welcomed the final report of the International Advisory Panel (IAP) on Potato Wart that was presented to industry and government on January 16, 2023.


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