
Lack of Rainfall on the Canary Islands to affect potato cultivation
一月 10, 2016

Lack of rainfall on the Canary Islands to affect potato cultivation

The drought on the Canary Islands will especially hurt the potato sub-sector, according to government sources.
Large scale chip potatoes stored in cold northern part of China
一月 07, 2016

Large scale potato storage in cold northern part of China

In 2011, the Chinese company Ever-Great decided to establish a branch with a 20,000 tons chips potato storage facility in Chifeng city (Northern China)
Potato Expo 2016: Come see the HALO effect at the booth of TOMRA Sorting Food
一月 07, 2016

Potato Expo 2016: Come see the HALO effect at the booth of TOMRA Sorting Food

TOMRA Sorting Food is set to demonstrate one of its innovative potato sorting systems at this year’s Potato Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, January 12-14.
¿Qué quieren los habitantes de páramo en Colombia?
一月 06, 2016

¿Qué quieren los habitantes del páramo en Colombia?

Los científicos sostienen que la producción indiscriminada de cultivos (como la papa) están deteriorando las cuencas hídricas que nacen en los páramos. Sin embargo, si estos son conservados y protegidos para garantizar que el recurso siga llegando a las ciudades, ¿qué pasará con los pobladores para quienes el páramo más que un ecosistema es su hogar?
Pakistan: No duty on potato export and no plans to import potatoes
一月 06, 2016

Pakistan: No duty on potato export and no plans to import potatoes

As farmers in Pakistan are getting ready for the harvest, false rumors are spread that the Pakistani government has imposed duty on the export of potatoes.
¿Por qué la NASA quiere llevar papas peruanas a Marte?
一月 04, 2016

¿Por qué la NASA quiere llevar papas peruanas a Marte?

La agencia espacial estadounidense, NASA, junto con el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), con sede en Perú, están haciendo experimentos para probar qué tal se darían los tubérculos peruanos en suelo marciano.
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"Small colored potatoes doing well at Christmas time"
十二月 27, 2015

'Small colored potatoes doing well at Christmas time'

Potato wholesaler Jac van den Oord in Ammerzoden, the Netherlands has placed some new potato products on the market specifically for the Christmas period
Potato cooperative Agrico presents financial results to its members
十二月 22, 2015

Potato cooperative Agrico presents financial results to its members

Potato Cooperative Agrico held its central members’ meeting last week. At this meeting the 2014/2015 annual report was discussed.
Meteorólogo andino usa señales de la naturaleza para ayudar al agro
十二月 21, 2015

Meteorólogo andino usa señales de la naturaleza para ayudar al agro

Incontables flores moradas sobre los campos no solo revelan que la tierra esconde una buena producción de papa sino también que no habrá granizadas, dice un meteorólogo andino que usa bioindicadores para ayudar a municipios a planificar sus cultivos.
PEI Potato Board Announces Continuation Potato Disinfection Program
十二月 21, 2015

PEI Potato Board Announces Continuation Potato Disinfection Program

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is pleased to announce a new plan for potato disinfection on Prince Edward Island.
PEI Potato Board: Alex Docherty re-elected as Chairman of the Board.
十二月 18, 2015

PEI Potato Board: Alex Docherty re-elected as Chairman of the Board.

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board has a new executive as a result of its December 16th Board of Directors meeting.
La papa nativa declarada un bien de interés cultural para Venezuela
十二月 16, 2015

La papa nativa declarada un bien de interés cultural para Venezuela

El 14 de diciembre de 2015 se realizó la declaración de la papa nativa como Bien de Interés Cultural del país, en una actividad integrada por los guardianes de esta semilla y el ministro del Poder Popular para la Cultura, quien calificó este acto como un hecho sin precedentes en la historia del país.
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Crop Wild Relatives May Hold Key to Counteract Effects of Climate Change in Agriculture

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UK Potato Industry urged to back Grow Your Own Potatoes education project
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UK Potato Industry urged to back Grow Your Own Potatoes education project

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UE apoya proyectos de desarrollo fronterizo de Perú

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7 preguntas sobre el virus del amarillamiento de las venas de las hojas de la papa
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7 preguntas sobre el virus del amarillamiento de las venas de las hojas de la papa

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Jamaica to test 15 new (Irish) potato varieties
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Jamaica to test 15 new (Irish) potato varieties

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica is to conduct research trials on 15 new varieties of imported Irish potato over the next three months, to determine their suitability for local conditions.
Blue Potato farm at rooftop of New York JFK's Terminal 5
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Blue Potato farm at rooftop of New York JFK's Terminal 5

In October JetBlue Airways, New York's Hometown Airline™ and TERRA® Real Vegetable Chips, part of The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., revealed the T5 Farm -- a blue potato farm and produce garden at Terminal 5 (T5) at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.


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