
Analyzing the genes of ancient potatoes helps to improve future varieties
十一月 01, 2017

Analyzing the genes of ancient potatoes helps to improve future potato varieties

Examining the ancestors of the modern, North American cultivated potato has revealed a set of common genes and important genetic pathways that have helped potatoes adapt over thousands of years.
Un camino hacia los mercados, el Enfoque Participativo de Cadenas Productivas
十月 31, 2017

Un camino hacia los mercados, el Enfoque Participativo de Cadenas Productivas

Un informe del Banco Mundial sobre la agricultura peruana indica que la cadena de valor de la papa nativa es el caso más representativo del país de una cadena de valor exitosa desarrollada para mercados internos. En esta entrevista, Miguel Ordinola (CIP) detalla esta experiencia.
Production of potatoes for consumption in the Netherlands up 27 percent, exceeds 4 million tonnes
十月 31, 2017

Potato Production (food) in the Netherlands up 27 percent, exceeds 4 million tonnes

Earlier today Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published its latest update of the potato harvest of 2017 in the Netherlands. Total production of potatoes for consumption for the first time since 2000 exceeded 4 million tonnes, an increase of 27 percent compared to 2016!
Mooij Agro builds potato storage with humidification for Lamb Weston Grower in Germany
十月 31, 2017

Mooij Agro builds potato storage with humidification for Lamb Weston Grower in Germany

Potato Storage Specialist Mooij Agro announced that they have built a potato storage for a Lamb Weston potato grower in Titz, Germany.
PEI Potato Growers ask: 'What does it take to grow Quality Potatoes'
十月 31, 2017

PEI Potato Growers ask: 'What does it take to grow Quality Potatoes'

The PEI Potato Industry is excited to release for the first time a thirty second commercial highlighting the industry.
High hopes for potatoes in Cambodia
十月 31, 2017

High hopes for potatoes in Cambodia

With the first large harvest of potatoes in Cambodia expected next year, months of research in the highlands of Mondulkiri province show the country’s soil and climate are well-suited for growing certain varieties.
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Portuguese potato trader Oliveira Pinho & Filhos improves quality and productivity with the TOMRA Sentinel II
十月 30, 2017

Portuguese potato trader Oliveira Pinho & Filhos improves quality and productivity with the TOMRA Sentinel II

Last June, Oliveira Pinho & Filhos, a family business located in the municipality of Mira (Portugal) dedicated to the trade of bagged potatoes and onions, purchased a Sentinel II optical food sorter from TOMRA. Read about their experiences...
Dewulf~Miedema will continue under the name Dewulf
十月 30, 2017

Dewulf~Miedema will continue using the company name Dewulf

Dewulf~Miedema - supplier of a complete line of agricultural machinery for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops - has selected Dewulf as its new official company name.
New Zealand potato prices almost double in a decade
十月 29, 2017

New Zealand potato prices almost double in a decade

The price of potatoes in New Zealand has almost doubled in the last 10 years, according to Statistics New Zealand.
Levity CropScience plans to present at BP 2017 how their products increased potato yield
十月 29, 2017

Levity CropScience plans to present at BP2017 how their products increased potato yield

Levity CropScience, a UK based company specialized in 'smart fertilizers' has announced it will reveal industry changing research at BP2017 on how their products have increased potato yields by at least €1000 per hectare in farms across Europe.
Francia: Florimond Desprez se afianza en el sector de papa de siembra con la compra de SPB
十月 28, 2017

Francia: Florimond Desprez se afianza en el sector de papa de siembra con la compra de SPB

El pasado 23 de octubre de 2017, la compañía francesa firmó la adquisición del 100% de la Sociedad de Productores Bretones (SPB) y de sus filiales: Gopex Distribution y Bret Seeds.
La marchitez bacteriana de la papa en Chile
十月 27, 2017

La marchitez bacteriana de la papa en Chile

Esta enfermedad es considerada la segunda más importante a nivel mundial. En Chile está clasificada como una enfermedad cuarentenaria presente bajo control oficial. Actualmente se encuentra en la zona sur del país, específicamente en la Región de La Araucanía. Este informe del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG), ofrece información sobre el agente causal, su epidemiología y la situación en el país.
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Penn State Students help Sterman Masser Potato Farms find New Potato Products
十月 27, 2017

Penn State Students help Sterman Masser Potato Farms find New Potato Products

Penn State Ag Sciences students are in the trenches with Sterman Masser Potato Farms to find new and convenient potato products
Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío
十月 26, 2017

Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío

Científicos financiados por el fondo público del BBSRC y radicados en el Norwich Research Park, han desarrollado una papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío.
First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly
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First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly

A genetically-modified (GM) Maris Piper designed to resist the devastating plant disease late blight has worked “brilliantly” during the first year of field trials, according to scientists of The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL)
Potato tuber with extensive blight infection
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United Kingdom Potato Harvest 2017 without drama - but now the storage...

The potato harvest in the United Kingdom was mostly without drama. Hopefully this doesn't change during the storage season. But watch the changes in the CIPC regulation.
10,000 tonnes of potatoes blocked from entry into Jordan
十月 25, 2017

10,000 tonnes of potatoes blocked from entry into Jordan

The Jordan Ministry of Agriculture on Sunday said that a shipment at the Aqaba Port, Jordan, carrying 10,000 tonnes of potatoes allegedly infested with potato cyst nematodes, will not be allowed into the country.
Tasmanian potato growers
十月 25, 2017

Tasmanian potato growers step up potato psyllid surveillance

In Tasmania, Australia, surveillance programs for the tomato potato psyllid (TPP) are being ramped up as growers try to delay any incursion of the pest for as long as possible.


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