Still picture from the new commercial highlighting the potato industry on Prince Edward Island
PEI Potato Growers ask: 'What does it take to grow Quality Potatoes'

The PEI Potato Industry is excited to release for the first time a thirty second commercial highlighting the industry.
The farmers are so proud of what they do, and want to showcase the positive work being done in the industry and share that with our friends and neighbours here on PEI and beyond.
The project was filmed over the summer and early fall on different farms and field locations all over Prince Edward Island. It was directed and produced by Furrow Creative in Charlottetown PEI. The video
features Island potato farmers and their families doing what they do best – growing the best quality
potatoes in the world.
Rodney Dingwell, Chairman of the PEI Potato Board:
“We have so much to be proud of and thankful for in our potato industry here on PEI. It’s the backbone of our economy, it’s a major part of our culture and PEI wouldn’t be the same without it.”Greg Donald, general manager of the board, said the video advertisement is something the board has considered for a long time, and now it can showcase P.E.I. potatoes to the world.
"The potato industry is an important part of P.E.I. and who we are - it's an important part of the economy, our culture our scenery.”Kendra Mills, marketing director of the potato board said the advertisement was a "huge" and "very expensive" undertaking for the potato board.
“There's fewer people that are involved in the industry, there's fewer people involved in agriculture.”
“We want to take every opportunity we can to engage with those who aren't involved in the industry."
Kendra Mills, marketing director of the PEI Potato Board:
"It's something that we've worked on and really wanted to take the opportunity to showcase Prince Edward Island to our friends and neighbours and the rest of the world."

The new commercial of the Prince Edward Island Potato Growers
(30-seconds version)
So what DOES it take to grow a quality potato? For the PEI Potato industry, it takes an ISLAND!