
Koers HZPC-certificaat stijgt met maximale 10 procent
五月 14, 2015

Koers HZPC-certificaat stijgt met maximale 10 procent

De certificaatkoers van HZPC Holland bv, wereldleider in aardappelveredeling en pootgoedexport, is na Beursdag Mei 2015 vastgesteld op €113,15.
Syngenta offers a range of potato crop protection solutions
五月 14, 2015

Syngenta response on Monsanto acquisition offer

Syngenta reacts to the acquisition offer of Monsanto reported in the media in this response dated May 8, 2015
Potato products recall in the United Kingdom
五月 12, 2015

Potato products recall in the United Kingdom

Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and Morrison’s are recalling a number of food products after a batch of potatoes used as ingredients in all of them was found to contain small pieces of metal. The affected batch of potatoes originated from a single supplier.
Buying fresh potatoes online (United Kingdom)
五月 12, 2015

Buying fresh potatoes online (United Kingdom)

In the latest Consumer Category Report of the Potato Council, one of the topics addressed is the online sales of fresh potatoes - including actual growth, comparison to competitive products and grocery in general as well as future opportunities
Potato Late blight in Europe in 2014
五月 11, 2015

Potato Late blight in Europe in 2014

A team of researchers tracking the 2014 population of the potato late blight pathogen have added to the 2013 data to extend the spatial diversity plots and combine this with novel genetic analysis tools that visualise the distribution and diversity of dominant clones and reveals novel genetically diverse isolates in some regions.
Europatat President Kees van Arendonk and Europatat Secretary General Raquel Izquierdo de Santiago at the conference (Courtesy: @Daphne_vanDoorn)
五月 11, 2015

Europatat congress Duesseldorf a success

At the end of last week the Europatat Congress 2015 took place, organised in coordination by Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, and DKHV, the German Potato Trading Association. Feedback on the congress has been extremely positive.
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Potato Planting in Belgium for Potato Europe 2015
五月 10, 2015

NEPG: Potato Area North-western Europe expected to decrease 2.5%

The North-western European potato area is estimated to decrease by 2.5% to 530,000 hectares in the coming season.
Holanda presenta resultados de investigación sobre resistencia a tizón tardío
五月 03, 2015

Holanda presenta resultados de investigación sobre resistencia a tizón tardío

La conferencia se realizará el 3 de septiembre de 2015 en las instalaciones de la Universidad de Wageningen. No tiene ningún costo pero los asistentes deben pagar su hotel y el desplazamiento aéreo y terrestre.
[Video] El cultivo de papas con agua salada es una apuesta contra el hambre
五月 01, 2015

[Video] El cultivo de papas con agua salada es una apuesta contra el hambre

Un pequeño campo de la isla holandesa de Texel, azotado por los vientos del mar de Wadden, podría aportar una respuesta al hambre en el mundo con su plantación de papas cultivadas en agua salada del mar.
Blightcast warnings (UK) adapted to more aggressive blight strains
四月 29, 2015

Blightcast warnings (UK) adapted to more aggressive blight strains

Potato growers and agronomists in he United Kingdom will be better prepared to cope with more aggressive blight strains this season, with a new BlightCast warning tailored to focus on infections now typically occurring earlier in the season at cooler temperatures.
Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world's hungry
四月 29, 2015

Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world's hungry

A small field on an island off the Netherlands' northern coast promises one answer to the problem of how to feed the world's ever-growing population: potatoes and other crops that grow in saltwater.
Website Princesse AmaPotato Brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine by Pomunidine
四月 26, 2015

First Potato Brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine by Pomuni

Pomuni, market leader in the Belgian table potatoes market, will this summer introduce the first potato brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine
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Regulations are frustrating the import of potatoes to the Canary Islands
四月 24, 2015

Regulations are frustrating the import of potatoes to the Canary Islands

Each year, large quantities of ware and seed are exported from the United Kingdom to the Canary Islands. Potato Council’s head of seed and export, Rob Burns, updates on the current difficulties affecting this long established trade agreement.
Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature
四月 21, 2015

Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature

Researchers from Ghent University and the International Potato Center have discovered that sweet potatoes naturally contain genes from a bacterium. Because of the presence of this 'foreign' DNA, sweet potato can be seen as a 'natural gmo'.
Dutch prime minister visits Hotraco Group (Mooij-Agro)
四月 18, 2015

Dutch prime minister visits Hotraco Group (Mooij-Agro)

As part of a working visit to Limburg on Wednesday, 8 April, Prime Minister Mark Rutte visited four internationally operating SME’s, including Hotraco Group (Mooij-Agro), and was full of praise for the innovative companies.
Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants
四月 16, 2015

Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants

Fresh-food specialist for the hotel and restaurant industry Rungis and HZPC are bringing the ancient potato varieties from the Andes back on to the plate in Dutch restaurants.
Samen werken aan een duurzame aardappelteelt: Simon Jensma, Technisch Adviseur bij Bayer CropScience geeft advies op maat aan een Nederlandse aardappelteler
四月 13, 2015

Bayer CropScience en Farm Frites implementeren samen duurzame maatregelen in Europese aardappelteelt

Bayer CropScience en Farm Frites zijn onlangs in een Food Chain Partnership gestapt, met als doel duurzame landbouwmethoden te implementeren in de aardappelteelt in België en Nederland.
Working together for sustainable potato cultivation: Simon Jensma, Technical Advisor at Bayer CropScience, provides tailored advice to a Dutch potato grower.
四月 13, 2015

Bayer CropScience and Farm Frites jointly implement sustainable practices in European potato cultivation

Bayer CropScience and Farm Frites recently started a Food Chain Partnership initiative designed to implement sustainable agricultural practices in potato cultivation in the Netherlands and Belgium.


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