Perú: Más de 800 hectáreas de cultivos de papa afectadas por heladas en Huancavelica
三月 01, 2021

Perú: Más de 800 hectáreas de cultivos de papa afectadas por heladas en Huancavelica

Los agricultores del distrito de Pazos, ubicado en la provincia de Tayacaja, región Huancavelica han visto afectados el 80 porciento de sus cultivos por las intensas heladas.
Potato Europe 2021 trade show theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'
三月 01, 2021

Potato Europe 2021 theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'

With the event theme 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future', PotatoEurope 2021 promises to provide insight into current developments in the potato industry as well as a look at the future of the sector.
McCain Foods 'Upping' the Stakes in Vertical Farming with GoodLeaf
三月 01, 2021

McCain Foods increases its stake in Vertical Farming startup GoodLeaf

McCain Foods Limited has made a substantial investment in TruLeaf Sustainable Agriculture and its wholly owned subsidiary GoodLeaf Farms, Canada's largest commercial vertical farming operation, to help drive the company's growth and expansion plans.
An Investor Group Led by Champlain Financial Corporation Acquired Wong Wing Foods Inc.
二月 28, 2021

McCain Foods sells majority stake in 'Wong Wing' to Champlain led investor group

An investor group led by Champlain Financial Corporation,‎ and including Fondaction, has acquired a majority stake in the Wong Wing business unit ('Wong Wing') in partnership with McCain Foods Canada ('McCain').
Mackie's invests £750,000 in production facility for popped veggie chips
二月 26, 2021

Mackie's invests in production facility to produce popped wholesums snacks

The joint venture behind Mackie’s Crisps is investing £750,000 (just over 1 million USD) in a new production facility to scale up production of a new snack brand.
UK regulations relaxed to allow Mallorcan potato exports
二月 26, 2021

UK regulations relaxed to allow potato import from Mallorca

Mallorca has been exporting potatoes to the United Kingdom since 1927 and future exports are now guaranteed because the British Government has agreed to change the regulations and allow Mallorcan potatoes to be sold in the British market.
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Potato Growers Select 2021 National Potato Council Leaders
二月 25, 2021

Potato Growers Select 2021 National Potato Council Leaders

At the National Potato Council (NPC) 2021 Annual Meeting held virtually due to travel restrictions, Dominic LaJoie of Van Buren, Maine was elected to serve as NPC’s 2021 President and to head the grower-led organization’s Executive Committee.
USDA, FDA Underscore Current Epidemiologic and Scientific Information Indicating No Transmission of COVID-19 Through Food or Food Packaging
二月 23, 2021

USDA, FDA: Food and food packaging highly unlikely to spread COVID-19

Food and food packaging are highly unlikely to spread COVID-19, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a reminder last week.
Bedford Industries Launches Plant-Based Bag Closure
二月 22, 2021

Bedford Industries Launches Plant-Based Bag Closure

Bedford Industries introduces CloseIt® Bio-Clip, its new plant-based bag closure containing 100% USDA certified biobased content that is commercially compostable.
Organic farming area in the EU up 46 percent since 2012
二月 22, 2021

Organic farming area in the EU up 46 percent since 2012

The total organic area in the European Union (EU) was 13.8 million hectares in 2019, corresponding to 8.5% of the total utilized agricultural area. This represents an increase of 46% between 2012 and 2019.
España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año
二月 22, 2021

España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año

El sector de la patata en Xinzo siempre tuvo que capear contratiempos como el precio, la climatología y las pestes, y a todo ello se sumó en 2020 otro enemigo impredecible como es el COVID.
New resistance genes against late blight were identified in a close relative of the potato, Solanum americanum
二月 22, 2021

Late blight resistance genes identified in potato relative Solanum americanum

An international team of researchers has struck an important blow in the ongoing evolutionary arms race with the notorious potato disease late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
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Junín, Perú: Movilizan brigadas agrarias para recuperar cultivos afectados por heladas
二月 22, 2021

Junín, Perú: Movilizan brigadas agrarias para recuperar cultivos afectados por heladas

Gobierno Regional de Junín, Perú, movilizó brigadas agrarias para recuperar los cultivos afectados por una inusual helada que se registró en el distrito de Pucará, provincia de Huancayo.
UK Potato Storage Specialist Crop Systems Limited sees growing business
二月 21, 2021

UK Potato Storage Specialist Crop Systems Limited sees growing business

UK Potato Storage Specialist Crop Systems Limited is responding to major growth in its business with further investment at its factory and new appointments, including Tony Barnes as Sales Manager.
NPC Encourages Mexico's Supreme Court Justices to Affirm Draft Ruling Overturning Ban on U.S. Fresh Potato Imports
二月 19, 2021

NPC Encourages Mexico's Supreme Court to Affirm Draft Ruling Overturning Ban on US Fresh Potato Imports

On February 17, 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court released a draft ruling that would overturn a 2017 lower court decision preventing the Mexican federal government from implementing regulations to allow the import of fresh US potatoes throughout the country.
Innovation in German food retail trade: Europlant launches the Lower Carb Potato
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Innovation in German food retail trade: Europlant launches the Lower Carb Potato

Potato is one of the most popular foods. For many consumers, however, it contains too many carbohydrates. Europlant adapts to the low-carb nutrition trend and is now offering two potato varieties with fewer carbohydrates.
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Bühler has proved reliability and robustness in 2020

In 2020, Bühler proved to be a reliable partner to all its stakeholders and showed robust business performance in 2020. Despite adverse conditions, Bühler fulfilled all customer contracts and delivery agreements without interruptions.
DUCAM project (Wafilin and Avebe) wins Water Innovator of the Year award 2021
二月 15, 2021

Avebe wins Water Innovation Award for its project 'Sustainable Concentration of Potato Juice with Membranes'

The winner of the 'Water Innovator of the Year' award was announced during the online conference Water Vision 2021. The three ideas selected were Mid Mix, Mezt and the DUCAM project (Avebe and Wafilin: Sustainable Concentration of Potato Juice with Membranes). The winning finalist: Avebe and Wafilin's DUCAM project


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