Gluten-free potato lasagne
五月 11, 2011

Potatoes are Gluten-Free!

According to a recent survey, only 19% of Americans rate potatoes as excellent for being gluten free (2011 USPB’s Attitudes &Usage Study). In fact, potatoes are 100% gluten-free!
 American Heart Association Heart Check Mark
五月 10, 2011

American Heart Association Certifies Fresh Idaho® Potatoes as a Heart-Healthy Food

When it comes to heart-healthy produce, consumers can put a check next to Idaho® potatoes on their shopping list.
 2011 NRA Show
五月 10, 2011

National Restaurant Association Announces First Annual Food and Beverage Product Innovations Award Recipients

The National Restaurant Association today announced the recipients of its first annual Food &Beverage Product Innovations Awards, which recognize progressive food and beverage products that will make a significant impact in the restaurant industry...
 Common Scab
五月 09, 2011

Continuing drought increases common scab threat for UK potato growers

Lack of rain has affected most of England and Wales and unusually dry ground may result in higher levels of common scab than in the last few years, says Potato Council technical executive Chris Steele.
四月 29, 2011

Potato Growers in Idaho and Oregon Vote to Continue Marketing Order

The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced that Irish potato growers in Idaho and Malheur County, Ore., voted to continue their federal marketing order program.
 North American Potato Market News (NAPMN)
四月 27, 2011

NPPGA: demand for processing potatoes in North Dakota will be high this summer

The Columbia Basin, Idaho, and Wisconsin are all facing potential shortages, while North Dakota is sitting on more spuds than one year ago. The North American Potato Market News is reporting the Columbia Basin will run out by July 3rd if usage continu...
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四月 26, 2011

International Potato Center's work on (sweet) potato in Africa (Photo series)

The International Potato Center (CIP) operates a network of offices in 30 countries. Using this network, CIP.distributes (potato) plants to local farmers and adds new breeds to its library.
 Gary Linkletter
四月 25, 2011

Chairman PEI Potato Board expects potato acreage to drop

Gary Linkletter, Chairman of the Prince Edward Island Potato Board said Thursday he expects potato acreage will drop somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 acres this year.
 Grown in Idaho seal promotion by the Idaho Potato Council
四月 21, 2011

Focus on the image of Idaho Potatoes

A series of focus groups around the United States has confirmed to the Idaho Potato Commission that consumers have an extremely positive perception of Idaho and its famous potatoes.
 Sweets and Snacks Expo 2011
四月 20, 2011

2011 SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO sells out Expo Space

 Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw (VTA)
四月 20, 2011

VTA: voorraad aardappelen in opslag historisch laag

De Verenigde Telers akkerbouw (VTA) inventariseert jaarlijks in november, februari en april de aardappelvoorraad onder een vaste representatieve groep van haar leden. Onlangs werd de derde voorraadinventarisatie van de opgeslagen aardappelen van oogst...
 Breeders trust
四月 16, 2011

Belgische boeren aangeklaagd wegens kwekersrechten

Een groep Europese aardappelkwekers sleept vijf Belgische landbouwers voor de rechter omdat die geen kwekersrechten betalen.
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 Western potatoes
四月 15, 2011

Western Potatoes: introducing new varieties requires a long term strategic commitment of farmers

Some Western Australian potato growers feel they are not getting enough support from their marketing body Western Potatoes to help them get new varieties onto the market.
Aardappeloogst 2011 Vlaanderen: 5% stijging areaal, minder Bintje (PCA enquete)
四月 15, 2011

Aardappeloogst 2011 Vlaanderen: 5% stijging areaal, minder Bintje (PCA enquete)

Begin april lieten 125 PCA-leden weten welk aardappelareaal en welke rassen ze telen in 2011. Dezelfde telers gaven ook in 2010 hun areaal en rassenpakket door. Met deze gegevens kan een schatting gemaakt worden van het aardappelareaal 2011 en kan een...
 pakje frites
四月 15, 2011

Belgie: De prijs van friet blijft stijgen

Sinds 1976 is de prijs van een pakje friet (in de frituur) in Belgie met meer dan 300% gestegen. In september 2010 waarschuwde het OIVO de consumenten al dat de stijging van de aardappelprijs waarschijnlijk zou leiden tot een stijging van de prijs van...
 Colin Powell
四月 14, 2011

Colin Powell to keynote NRA Show 2011

General Colin L. Powell (Ret.) will share insights into global events, and the impact those changes and issues will have in the United States and abroad, at the National Restaurant Association’s annual trade show next month.
 Zebra chip disease
四月 14, 2011

New Zealand Potato Growers want more help for potato pest research

Potatoes New Zealand says the potato industry is struggling to deal with the tomato/potato psyllid, which spreads the damaging bacterium Liberibacter, and wants more help from the Government.
 Cavendish Farms
四月 13, 2011

Cavendish Farms and PEI potato growers reach deal

Prince Edward Island potato farmers who grow for Cavendish Farms voted Tuesday night in favour of a new deal with the company. Greg Donald, general manager of the P.E.I. Potato Board, wouldn't provide any details of the contract because negotiations ar...


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