
Walkers unveils new campaign and packaging roll out
八月 15, 2011

Walkers unveils new campaign and packaging roll out

Gary Lineker is to take a back seat in the latest advert for the Walkers crisp range following a brand revamp. The move comes as brand owner PepsiCo makes a decision to shift the marketing message to provenance in its latest push. The new campaign fo...
八月 14, 2011

Aardappelindustrie Nederland verwerkt record hoeveelheid aardappelen

De Nederlandse aardappelverwerkende industrie neemt in Europa een vooraanstaande plaats in bij de productie van aardappelconsumptieproducten. En er wordt meer gemaakt dan alleen voorgebakken producten (frites, blokjes, schijfjes e.d.).
八月 08, 2011

Diamond verhoogt blijfpremie voor Pringles

Diamond Foods heeft de premie voor medewerkers die na de overname bij de Pringles-fabriek in het Belgische Mechelen blijven werken, verhoogd. Vrijdag heeft het Amerikaanse Diamond Foods, dat per januari de productiefaciliteit overneemt van Procter &am...
 K U Leuven
七月 31, 2011

Consumptie van vet vermindert negatieve emoties, zelfs als de inname onbewust gebeurt

Onderzoekers van de K.U.Leuven, de University of Manchester en de Queen Mary University of London hebben aangetoond dat er een wetenschappelijke basis bestaat voor de fenomenen 'emo-eten' en 'comfort food'. Proefpersonen die zonder het te weten een vet...
 Pringles production
七月 30, 2011

Onrust bij Belgische chipsfabriek Pringles over 'blijfpremie'

In de chipsfabriek van Pringles in Mechelen heerst er onrust over een 'blijfpremie' voor werknemers die wordt geschat op 7.000 euro. Peanuts, vinden de vakbonden, terwijl het management zowat een heel jaarloon als premie krijgt uitgekeerd. Op 5 april ...
七月 27, 2011

Diamond Foods Receives Clearance on Pringles Acquisition From U.K. Office of Fair Trading

Diamond Foods, Inc. today announced that it has received clearance from the United Kingdom’s Office of Fair Trading (OFT) on its pending acquisition of the Pringles business from The Procter &Gamble Company. The clearance by the OFT follows Diamo...
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七月 17, 2011

Chips maker Intersnack increases stake in Largo Foods

Ray Coyle, founder of Irish potato crisp maker Largo Foods, is selling a 25 percent stake in the company to German snack maker Intersnack, the Sunday Times reported, citing an interview with Coyle. Coyle is selling a further 11 percent stake in the co...
 Palletising chips and snacks at KiM's
七月 12, 2011

Palletising of Chips and Snacks at KiMs A/S

KiMs is one of Denmark’s largest manufacturers of chips and snacks. DAN-Palletiser has helped to pave the way for palletising 25 pallets per hour at the state of art manufacturing facility at Søndersø. KiMs has an annual turnover of more than 66 mill....
七月 07, 2011

Snack market survival demands innovation, says Intersnack UK Managing Director

The managing director of Intersnack UK says that a consumer “appetite for experimentation” is driving strong growth in a snacks market where the main business challenge is keeping pace with fast-changing consumer and retailer needs. Richard Robinson ...
六月 30, 2011

Bélgica actualmente el mayor exportador mundial de papas procesadas

La Asociación de Producción de Papa FIWAP informó recientemente que durante el período comprendido entre febrero 2010 hasta enero 2011 (12 meses), Bélgica fue el mayor exportador mundial de productos procesados ??de papa, alcanzando 1.441.925 tn, segui...
 Mr Tayto
六月 20, 2011

Largo Foods (Mr Tayto) announces further expansion

Snack foods maker, Largo Foods, is to invest €2.6m in the expansion of its Co Donegal facility, Ireland.
六月 20, 2011

PepsiCo strikt topkok Ferran Adria

Topkok Ferran Adria gaat voor PepsiCo innovaties bedenken.
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 Frito Lay Azov Russia
六月 16, 2011

Pepsico's Russian chips factory in Azov receives LEED Status

PepsiCo has had its 27th facilitity awarded LEED certification by the US Green Building Council.
 Richard Robinson
六月 14, 2011

Intersnack UK's new managing director eyeing growth through acquisitions

Richard Robinson, the new boss of the North East's biggest snack company has plans to increase its sales from less than £80m to £250m in the next five years. Robinson, who has just taken over the job of Intersnack UK’s managing director, has big plans ...
 Derek Roberts
六月 01, 2011

Snacks: Why we Love them

In order to stimulate, a food needs to have a very clear and obvious first taste.  This needs to be strong, easy and not too complicated.  To carry that taste, either sweetness or saltiness or a combination needs to be present. 
 joe and sephs cheese popcorn
五月 31, 2011

Joe&Seph’s popcorn launches new savoury cheese range

Joe&Seph’s have released a set of three new savoury cheese popcorn blends.
五月 30, 2011

Gran Canaria crea las papas fritas Lay’s Mojo Picón

Gran Canaria se ha sumado a la iniciativa puesta en marcha por la marca de patatas fritas Lay’s, que ha lanzado un concurso a nivel nacional llamado ‘Casting de Sabores’, creando un producto típicamente de la tierra, las Lay’s Mojo Picón. Bajo el lema...
 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
四月 25, 2011

EFSA publishes report on acrylamide in food


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