
Katherine Meacham-Hensold led work looking to improve the photorespiratory bypass of potato as a postdoctoral researcher in Don Ort’s lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
十二月 12, 2024

Climate-ready potato crop: RIPE team shows yield increase under heatwave conditions through photorespiratory bypass

A team from the University of Illinois has engineered potato to be more resilient to global warming, showing 30% increases in tuber mass under heatwave conditions.
Martin Kropff is the former Managing Director for Resilient Agri-food Systems at CGIAR, an international agricultural research organization. He is also an emeritus Rector Magnificus at Wageningen University.
十二月 12, 2024

A brighter future begins with a resilience revolution

In a world where almost half of potential crop production is lost due to diseases, pests, and extreme weather, addressing the challenges of food security and sustainable agriculture has never been more urgent.
Perú: falta de lluvias pone en alerta a la región de Puno (Cortesía: Difusión)
十一月 18, 2024

Perú: falta de lluvias pone en alerta a la región de Puno

Las autoridades están avanzando con un plan de medidas que puedan mitigar el impacto de la sequía para la próxima campaña.
España: perdidas importantes por lluvias y el huracán Kirk
十一月 12, 2024

España: perdidas importantes por lluvias y el huracán Kirk

El alcalde, Fernando Fernández, ha solicitado al Gobierno de Cantabria una ayuda de 200.000 euros para mitigar las pérdidas y asegurar la continuidad de la producción local.
A Helping Gene for Healthier Plants
十一月 01, 2024

New Gene Discovery Offers Method to Boost Potato Plant Resilience to Fungi, Drought, and Climate Stress

Researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) have discovered a new gene that controls plants' sensitivity to threats like fungi and drought. The working of this gene was confirmed in potatoes and tobacco.
Group picture of the entire consortium at the last project’s meeting held in Bonn on 29-30 May 2024
十月 28, 2024

ADAPT project comes to an end after four important and productive years of potato research

The ADAPT project, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program, has concluded with significant advancements in developing climate-resilient potatoes, bringing together a multidisciplinary team to enhance stress resilience and breeding strategies for future potato crops.
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Fossil fuel power plants are one of the largest emitters of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change. (Courtesy: Unsplash)
十月 28, 2024

Climate crunch time is here, new United Nations report warns

Countries must start curbing emissions immediately, according to the UN Emissions Gap Report 2024.
Argentina: lluvia en Salta afecta los precios al alza
十月 16, 2024

Argentina: lluvia en Salta afecta los precios al alza

La lluvia afectó la producción y distribución de papa, llevando a un aumento en los precios a $12 y $13 mil la bolsa.
España: desastre en el norte de Burgos
十月 16, 2024

España: desastre en el norte de Burgos

Perdidas millonarias debido a las lluvias y retrasos operativos que comprometen la cosecha.
Perú: heladas en las sierras afectan producción
八月 14, 2024

Perú: heladas en las sierras afectan producción

El cambio climático esta dando problemas también a los productores de Perú que ven sus cultivos afectados debido a inusuales heladas.
Flooded potato fields
八月 14, 2024

Rising potato prices across South America

Extreme weather conditions in South America have wrecked havoc on the potato production. Potato prices skyrocketed as a result.
Mundo: el clima y las patatas
七月 25, 2024

Mundo: el clima y las patatas

Factores climáticos signan la performance de los cultivos alrededor de Europa y por consiguiente los precios de las patatas.
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Las bajas temperaturas en Tarija afectan la producción de tomate
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Bolivia: cultivos comprometidos por nieve y heladas

En las regiones de Santa Cruz y Tarija los cultivos se vieron comprometidos. Agricultores se lamentan.
Never had Western-European potato growers such a difficult planting season. Never has a future harvest seen so many uncertainties!
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North-western European potato growers: Never such a difficult planting season, never so much uncertainties about the harvest!

Very late and difficult planting conditions and emergence problems on a large scale are cause of concern in some of the main production regions in North-western Europe.
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UN food chief on soil degradation: Poorest areas have zero harvests left

Droughts and flooding have become so common in some of the poorest places on Earth that the land can no longer sustain crops, the director of the World Food Programme’s global office has said.
México: grandes perdidas por la sequía
六月 18, 2024

México: grandes perdidas por la sequía

La falta de agua durante los últimos años ha hecho a una reducción en la producción y a una perdida estimada de 250 millones de pesos.
Peter Dawe, Chief Growth & Strategy Officer of McCain Foods, delivering his address at the Digital Innovation Summit.
六月 11, 2024

UNB’s McKenna Institute announces investment in digital agriculture led by potato processor McCain Foods

The McKenna Institute at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) announced a CAD 3.75 million (USD 2.7 million) investment from a partnership led by potato processor McCain Foods that will revolutionize digital agriculture, progress regenerative farming practices and minimize the impact of climate change on farmland.
Resultado. Durante un recorrido, el ingeniero agrónomo Said Tarazi contó que la papa detuvo su crecimiento.
五月 28, 2024

Argentina: daños a cultivos de papa por efectos climáticos

En línea con las predicciones meteorológicas adversas, ya se ven daños a los cultivos en algunas zonas del país.


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