
Family dinners are more important than you’d think
四月 29, 2023

Family dinners are more important than you’d think

New research has found that four in 10 parents report having only three or fewer family dinners per week, leaving 42% feeling 'worried', according to a new poll of 2,000 US parents.
Improving potato dewatering: CMP and Intralox implement solution for raw potato delivery to peeler at Michel St-Arneault
四月 26, 2023

CMP / Intralox Solution Optimizes Raw Potato Delivery to Peeler at Michel St Arneault

Whole potato dewatering is no easy task, especially due to the abrasive nature of potato receiving. Equipment manufacturer CMP and conveyor belt specialist Intralox jointly tackled this challenging application.
Call for Expressions of Interest for the 14th World Potato Congress in 2028
四月 23, 2023

Call for Expressions of Interest for the 14th World Potato Congress in 2028

The World Potato Congress Inc. is now calling for proposals from parties interested in hosting the 14th World Potato Congress to be held in 2028.
Kerry Releases Global Taste and Nutrition Charts for 2023
四月 23, 2023

Kerry Releases Global Taste and Nutrition Charts for 2023

Kerry’s Global Taste and Nutrition Charts for 2023 profiles the up and coming and emerging flavors for the coming year, as well as profiling top mainstream and key tastes.
United Potato Growers of Canada elect new Officers and Directors
四月 08, 2023

United Potato Growers of Canada elect new Officers and Directors

At the Annual General Meeting on March 13th, CEO of Kroeker Farms in Manitoba, Wayne Rempel was elected as the new Chair of the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) after serving several years as the Secretary.
AgriShield becomes the first risk management platform in North America to receive top marks from the International Farm Sustainability Assessment
四月 06, 2023

AgriShield risk management platform receives top marks, meets Gold International Farm Sustainability Assessment standards

AgriShield®, a comprehensive risk assessment and planning tool created by Farm Management Canada, is the first and only Canadian risk management platform that meets the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) standards at the highest level – GOLD.
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Lauren Rebar, Director of Sales at NHF
三月 28, 2023

Snack Manufacturer Naturally Homegrown Foods (NHF) Wins 2022 BC Export Award in the Consumer Products Category

Naturally Homegrown Foods Ltd. (NHF), the leading natural snack food manufacturer, has been awarded the 2022 BC Export Award in the Consumer Products Category recognizing the company’s success.
Cavendish Farms® Wins 2023 Product of the Year Canada Award
三月 23, 2023

Cavendish Farms Wins 2023 Product of the Year Canada Award

It is time to update your shopping list. Cavendish Farms announced that it has won the prestigious Product of the Year Canada Award for its All-Day Breakfast Mini Quick Cook Hash Brown Patties.
McCain Foods Makes Largest Global Investment in Company History
三月 20, 2023

McCain Foods Largest Investment ever: Doubling the capacity of its Coaldale potato processing plant

McCain Foods is making a substantial investment in Coaldale Alberta, doubling the size of its potato processing facility and output in Coaldale, Alberta.
Potato wart not detected in 2022 national survey
三月 14, 2023

No Potato Wart detected in Canada

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has completed its 2022 national survey for potato wart and confirms that potato wart was not detected in the soil samples tested from the fields where the samples were collected.
United Potato Growers of Canada announced welcome of re-joining members
三月 11, 2023

Re-joining members give the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) a truly national reach

Ontario Potato Board, Potatoes New Brunswick join the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) as the representative of their potato grower members, giving the organisation a truly national reach.
Island Farms Once Again Offer to "Fill Your Boots" with Free PEI Potatoes
三月 09, 2023

Prince Edward Island Farms Offer Islanders Free PEI Potatoes this Saturday

To help offset rising food costs, four farms on Prince Edward Island are opening their potato storages to Islanders. Visitors are invited to help themselves and pick unwashed potatoes directly from the pile in storage. The event occurs Saturday, March 11th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
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A PEI Farmer destroys his potato crop by putting it through a snowblower. An estimated 250 million pounds of PEI potatoes were destroyed in 2022 due to the Federal government’s restrictions.
二月 06, 2023

PEI Potato Board Seeks Removal of Export Restrictions on PEI Potatoes in the Light of IAP Report

The PEI potato industry welcomed the final report of the International Advisory Panel (IAP) on Potato Wart that was presented to industry and government on January 16, 2023.
Antioxidants, a booster shot for late blight prevention in potatoes
二月 02, 2023

Selenium: a booster shot for late blight prevention in potatoes

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) scientists have discovered that selenium, a micronutrient and anti-oxidant activates genes in potatoes that boosts the plant's immunity and helps in the prevention of late blight.
Outside the University of Manitoba potato storage facilities: (L-R) Fernanda Gouvea Pereira, senior technician, Dr. Mario Tenuta, NSERC/WGRF/Fertilizer Canada Industrial Research Chair in 4R Nutrient Stewardship And Professor of Applied Soil Ecology, Depa
一月 29, 2023

University of Manitoba potato storage facilities get an upgrade as governments invest

The governments of Canada and Manitoba are investing CAD 98,970 (USD 74,193) through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) to upgrade the University of Manitoba's Horticulture Storage Facility so it can conduct innovative potato research
McCain Foods 2022 Sustainability Report
一月 26, 2023

Potato Processor McCain Foods releases 2022 Sustainability Report

McCain Foods Limited (McCain) released its Sustainability Report for 2022, underpinning its commitment to producing delicious, planet-friendly food
FrontWell Capital Partners Provides USD 7.4 Million Senior Secured Credit Facility to Savor Street Foods
一月 20, 2023

New credit facility to fuel growth Pretzel manufacturer Savor Street Foods

FrontWell Capital Partners Inc. ("FrontWell") announced the closing of a USD 7.4 million secured credit facility with Savor Street Foods Inc. ("SSF" or the "Company"), a Pennsylvania-based food manufacturer producing an array of health‐conscious pretzel snacks.
Canadian Potato Storage Total Holdings Jan 11 2023
一月 19, 2023

How many potatoes are in storage in Canada (Total Holdings January 11 2023) ?

Total Canadian Potato Storage Holdings on January 11, 2023 are down slightly (-0.4%) over 2022 numbers for the same period, but are still 5.84% above the 3-yr. average, mostly due to the increased size of the crop in the last two years.


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