
Legumbres Selectas Sierra Nevada, Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria Gracias a la Nimbus BSI+ de Tomra Food
十一月 09, 2020

Legumbres Selectas Sierra Nevada, Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria Gracias a la Nimbus BSI+ de Tomra Food

Legumbres Selectas Sierra Nevada, empresa española ubicada en Granada, está especializada en la producción, selección y comercialización de legumbres de altísima calidad.
Velocity Snack Brands Extends Popchips™ with Two New Product Lines
十一月 08, 2020

Velocity Snack Brands introduces 'Popchips Grain Free' and 'Popchips Corn Chips' product lines

Velocity Snack Brands (VSB) launches two new Popchips product lines in over 2100 Kroger Co. stores in the United States to meet evolving consumer snacking habits, with further distribution to follow.
Online Potato Days HZPC showcase new reality
十一月 06, 2020

Online Potato Days HZPC Showcase New Reality

The annual Potato Days in Joure are a valued networking event attracting hundreds of growers and customers from many countries.
十一月 05, 2020


粮农组织食品价格指数* 2020年10月平均为100.9点,环比上升3.0点(3.1%),同比上升5.7点(6.0%)。10月份指数值为2020年1月以来的最高水平,连续第五个月上扬。食糖、乳制品、谷物和植物油的价格格外坚挺,因此支撑最新一期的指数上涨。相比之下,肉类的价格则连续第二个月出现回落。
Seven flavours in various-sized bags part of recall
十一月 05, 2020

Food Recall Warning - Certain Miss Vickie's brand Kettle Cooked Potato Chips recalled due to Possible Presence of Pieces of Glass

Miss Vickie's Canada is recalling certain Miss Vickie's brand Kettle Cooked Potato Chips from the marketplace due to the possible presence of pieces of glass.
Potato Expo 2021 Goes 100% Virtual
十一月 05, 2020

Potato Expo 2021 Goes 100% Virtual

In light of on-going developments with COVID-19 the organizers of the Potato Expo 2021 have decided to hold the event as a Virtual Experience, entirely online.
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SIMA Postponed To November 2022
十一月 03, 2020

SIMA Postponed To November 2022

In view of the current global economic climate and the many uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the organisers of SIMA have taken the decision to hold the next edition of SIMA in November 2022 (from Sunday 6 to Thursday 10 November 2022).
Planting potatoes
十一月 03, 2020

North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG): Potato acreage should decrease by a minimum of 15%

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) estimates that the total harvest will be 27.9 million tons this season if all potatoes in the ground will be indeed harvested. The harvest is later than usual with all the risks involved.
Burger King reveals a more tender side asking people to support McDonald's
十一月 02, 2020

Burger King reveals a more tender side asking people to support McDonald's

You may not be anywhere near the office water cooler right now, but we still want to spotlight the most talked about creative from the brands that should be on your radar. Today, everyone's talking about Burger King's 'endorsement' of McDonald's.
La Dirección Regional de Agricultura de Lima busca incrementar la producción del tubérculo
十一月 02, 2020

Productores de Lima, Perú Reciben 30 Toneladas de Semillas de Papa de Alta Calidad Genética

Emprendedores productores de la región Lima, Perú recibieron semillas certificadas de diversas variedades de papa, de alta calidad genética, con el propósito de potenciar este cultivo y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria en el país, tras la situación de emergencia sanitaria que se vive por el covid-19.
Kiremko starts up Fun Fries French fry line in Morocco remotely using AR
十月 30, 2020

Kiremko starts up Fun Fries French fry line in Morocco remotely using AR

A new experience for both Kiremko and Morrocan potato processor Fun Fries; the French fry line that was installed last summer was started up entirely remotely using augmented reality.
Odisha government seeks renewal of agreement with International Potato Centre
十月 27, 2020

Odisha government seeks renewal of agreement with International Potato Centre

Even as the State Potato Mission failed to take off due to the lack of direction and apathy of the government to the project, it has expressed it desire to revalidate the contract with the International Potato Centre (CIP) for intensification of potato production.
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Canadian Potato Crop and Harvest Update October 26, 2020
十月 27, 2020

Canadian Potato Crop and Harvest Update October 26, 2020

Potato harvest in Canada is complete in most provinces with the exception of Quebec, according to this final crop report of the season prepared by the United Potato Growers of Canada
India resumes import of potatoes from Bhutan
十月 23, 2020

India resumes import of potatoes from Bhutan, export yet to pick up

India on Saturday threw open its domestic market for certain agricultural commodities including potatoes from Bhutan.
South Africa Has Seen a Massive Surge in Potato Prices in Recent Months
十月 23, 2020

Why South Africa Potato Prices Exploded by 140% in Just Four Months

Since mid-June, potato prices have been on average 46% higher than in the same period last year. In four months, the average market price of a 10kg
bag has rocketed from below R35 to R83.
Boulder Canyon Debuts New Thin & Crispy Potato Chips Made With Avocado Oil
十月 16, 2020

Boulder Canyon Debuts New Thin & Crispy Potato Chips Made With Avocado Oil

Boulder Canyon brings adventurous, flavorful snack food innovation to those seeking a better-for-you experience with their new Thin & Crispy potato chips.
Looking for New Ways to Fuel Athletic Performance? Try A Potato
十月 16, 2020

Looking for New Ways to Fuel Athletic Performance? Try A Potato

White potatoes are as effective as commercial sports products in exercise fueling, performance and recovery, according to research funded by the Alliance for Potato Research & Education.
First True Potato Seed (TPS) Trial of Solynta and Solidaridad in Mozambique Shows Great Potential
十月 16, 2020

First True Potato Seed (TPS) Trial of Solynta and Solidaridad in Mozambique Shows Great Potential

A first pilot using True Potato Seed (TPS) in Angonia District, Tete province in Mozambique, conducted by Solidaridad and Solynta shows great potential to drastically improve and innovate potato production in Mozambique.


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