
十月 24, 2012

Acrylamide intake linked to low birth weight

Intake of foods high in acrylamide during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weight and smaller head circumference. This was revealed in an international study of the diet of 1,100 pregnant women and newborns from Denmark, England, Greece, Norway...
 European Food Safety Authority
十月 23, 2012

Acrylamide levels in food largely unchanged states EFSA’s latest report

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published its annual update report on acrylamide levels in food in 25 European countries. Acrylamide is a chemical contaminant produced during food processing. The report covers the monitoring period 2007-2...
 New Generis
十月 23, 2012

La elevada ingesta de alimentos con acrilamida durante el embarazo causa un menor peso del bebé al nacer

La ingesta de alimentos con alto contenido de acrilamida durante el embarazo se asocia con un peso inferior y una menor circunferencia de la cabeza en recién nacidos.
十月 15, 2012

Co-operatives: a Key for Smallholder Inclusion into Value Chains (Rabobank Report)

Rabobank believes small farmers in developing countries and emerging economies are the key to a successful approach to the world food problem. As their productivity is still very low, a large underexploited food production potential is yet to be unlocked.
 European Food Safety Authority
十月 08, 2012

European Food Safety Authority publishes initial review on GM maize and herbicide study

The European Food Safety Authority has concluded that a recent paper raising concerns about the potential toxicity of genetically modified (GM) maize NK603 and of a herbicide containing glyphosate is of insufficient scientific quality to be considered ...
 Good Fries
九月 25, 2012

European Potato Processors show how best to fry french fries

In April 2002, authorities, food industry, caterers and consumers were confronted by the unexpected finding that a number of heated foods contained significant levels of acrylamide, a substance known until then only as a highly reactive industrial chem...
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 En 2009
九月 18, 2012

La salud europea está en riesgo por las grasas trans de la comida procesada

La salud del corazón de millones de europeos aún se encuentra en riesgo debido al alto contenido de ácidos grasos trans de algunos alimentos rápidos y procesados. Aunque los niveles globales han disminuido, pocos países tienen una limitación legal en l...
 FAO Food price index August 2012
九月 06, 2012

No increase in world food prices in August

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 213 points in August 2012, unchanged from the previous month. Although still high, the Index value is 25 points below the peak (238 points) reached in February 2011 and 18 points less than in August last year. Internat...
九月 03, 2012

Low/No/Reduced Sodium NPD claims decline despite salt concerns

Despite increased awareness about the risks of too much sodium in consumers’ diets and pledges from governments around the world to reduce salt levels in food, products with low/no/reduced sodium claims have seen some decline over the past years accord...
八月 27, 2012

Los españoles toman más alimentos saludables que el resto de los europeos

Los españoles toman más alimentos saludables que el resto de los europeos, según un estudio realizado por Herbalife en colaboración con la experta del The Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health (NICHE), la psicóloga Bárbara Stewart-Knox. Aunque el...
La primer máquina auto expendedora para niños que ofrece exclusivamente snacks saludables
八月 21, 2012

La primer máquina auto expendedora para niños que ofrece exclusivamente snacks saludables

Se ha presentado la primera máquina expendedora para niños en el Reino Unido, una vending que ofrece exclusivamente snacks saludables, batidos y bocadillos, en total doce productos diferentes que los más pequeños podrán elegir. Como se aprecia en la fo...
八月 21, 2012

El consumidor comerá más snacks pese a seguir dudando de su salubridad, según reciente estudio

El mercado de los snacks alcanzará los 4.800 millones de euros hacia el 2016 en el Reino Unido, según el informe de mercado de Mintel. No obstante, y a pesar de los buenos augurios, el público sigue manteniendo ciertas ideas preconcebida alrededor de...
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八月 17, 2012

Un estudio asegura que los snacks saludables mitigan el stress de los trabajadores

Si quiere trabajadores menos agobiados y, por tanto, más centrados para rendir mejor, ponga snacks saludables en las máquinas expendedoras de su empresa. Esa es la principal conclusión de un estudio llevado a cabo por la firma Herbalife, en estrecha co...
 European Union
五月 17, 2012

EC approves list of permitted health claims for food

The European Commission has approved a list of 222 health claims for food products. Health claims on food labelling and in advertising, for example on the role of calcium and bone health or vitamin C and the immune system, have become vital marketing tools.
五月 01, 2012

UK doctors blast McDonalds' Olympic sponsorship

McDonald's is a sponsor for the London Olympics _ and a British doctors' group says that's sending the wrong message in a country with ballooning obesity.
 World Potato Congress
四月 17, 2012

Award-winning water specialist to speak at World Potato Congress 2012

Dr Colin Chartres, director-general of International Water Management Institute, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, is to speak at World Potato Congress 2012 (WPC2012). The water management specialist, whose Institute has just won the 2012 Stockholm Water P...
 Baked Potato
四月 10, 2012

Aroma of baked potato evokes happiness, researchers found

The smell of a baked potato can actually make us feel happier. Scientists in the UK discovered that the aromas given off during the cooking process can trigger positive memories in the brain.
三月 15, 2012

Clean-Label And Gluten-Free Add Flavor To Savory Snacks, says Innova Market Insights

Despite ongoing economic difficulties, new product activity in the global snackfoods industry appears to be continuing unabated. Launch numbers recorded by Innova Market Insights showed a strong double-digit increase in 2011. Savory and salty snacks ac...


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