Royal potato is a french fry variety with a very high yield potential. The variety has very good frying qualities and is suitable for long time storing. Royal can be grown on as well sandy soils as clay soils.
- Category: Processing
- Usage: French fries, crisps, flakes
- Maturity: Medium late
- Foliage: Medium high and covering
- Tuber shape: Big oval and rather square tubers
- Flesh colour: Light yellow
- Cooking type: BC
- Dry matter content: High
- Dormancy period: Long, very good storability
- Nematodes: Resistant to Ro 1, 4
- Wart disease: Resistant to type 1, 2, 6
- Foliage blight: Fairly good resistance
- Tuber blight: Fairly good resistance
- Common scab: Good resistance
- Growing: Very high yield potential. Good drought resistance. Low to medium nitrogen level is required