Agricultural Statistics 津巴布韦
Potato Production in 2016 : | 64127.00 | tonnes | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Potato Area Harvested in 2016 : | 3787.00 | ha | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Sweet Potato Yield in 2016 : | 22212.00 | hg/ha | Calculated data | ℹ |
Sweet Potato Production in 2016 : | 2064.00 | tonnes | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Sweet Potato Area Harvested in 2016 : | 929.00 | ha | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Potato Yield in 2015 : | 168515.00 | hg/ha | Calculated data | ℹ |
Potato Production in 2015 : | 61908.00 | tonnes | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Consumption Statistics 津巴布韦
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2010: | 0.15 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2009: | 3.91 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2009: | 0.13 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2008: | 3.59 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2008: | 0.13 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2007: | 3.35 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2007: | 0.13 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |