Al vroeg in de twintigste eeuw waren aardappelen bekend in wat nu Zimbabwe is. In 1911 werden er aardappelrassen getest die to 11.5 ton per hectare opbrachten.
Door de jaren heen is de aardappel een van de meest geliefde gewassen geworden, zowel in de kleinschalige teel als in de grootschalige teelt.
Dit is aangemoedigd door de veranderende eetgewoonten, waarbij mais niet langer het belangrijkste voedingsmiddel was in de steden.
Agricultural Statistics Zimbabwe
Potato Production in 2016 : | 64127.00 | tonnes | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Potato Area Harvested in 2016 : | 3787.00 | ha | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Sweet Potato Yield in 2016 : | 22212.00 | hg/ha | Calculated data | ℹ |
Sweet Potato Production in 2016 : | 2064.00 | tonnes | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Sweet Potato Area Harvested in 2016 : | 929.00 | ha | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Potato Yield in 2015 : | 168515.00 | hg/ha | Calculated data | ℹ |
Potato Production in 2015 : | 61908.00 | tonnes | FAO data (imputation) | ℹ |
Consumption Statistics Zimbabwe
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2010: | 0.15 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2009: | 3.91 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2009: | 0.13 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2008: | 3.59 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2008: | 0.13 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |
Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2007: | 3.35 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Potatoes (Fresh and Processed) |
Sweet Potatoes , Consumption (Crop Equivalent) in 2007: | 0.13 | kg/capita/year | ℹ | Sweet Potatoes |