This webcast by the Plant Management Network on Potato Psyllids, responsible for the transfer of the Zebra chip disease consists of two parts:
Part 1: Potato Psyllid Monitoring and Management in Texas

Don Henne, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Texas A&M AgriLife Research &Extension Center
More specifically, the audience will learn about the history of zebra chip disease and states affected, disease symptoms above and below ground, the potato psyllid and potato psyllid research, sampling and monitoring potato psyllid populations, challenges to psyllid management, useful management approaches, and resistance management.
Although much of the presentation contains information obtained from research in Texas, there is much to be learned by practitioners from other potato-growing regions.
Part 2: Potato Psyllid and Zebra Chip in Idaho

Erik J. Wenninger, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Entomology University of Idaho Kimberly Research &Ext. Center
Specifically in this presentation, practitioners will learn about: the recent emergence of zebra chip in the Pacific Northwest, results of the monitoring efforts for potato psyllids in Idaho during 2012, and current research at the University of Idaho aimed at understanding the biology and management of potato psyllids and zebra chip in our area.
After viewing this presentation, one should know more about the ongoing efforts at University of Idaho aimed at understanding the distribution and abundance of potato psyllids across our state and at developing management strategies for this vector of the zebra chip pathogen.
Both presentations have open access untill November 30, 2013