
Vanco Farms Ltd




Vanco Farms Ltd. specializes in growing and packing specialty potatoes and organic potatoes. The farm is family owned and operated, with its main operations on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Vanco Farms also grows cut tulips, and tulip bulbs.

The company also operates potato farms in the United States in Bainbridge, Georgia and Bakersfield, California.

Product Types offered by this company


Island Farms Once Again Offer to "Fill Your Boots" with Free PEI Potatoes
三月 09, 2023

Prince Edward Island Farms Offer Islanders Free PEI Potatoes this Saturday

To help offset rising food costs, four farms on Prince Edward Island are opening their potato storages to Islanders. Visitors are invited to help themselves and pick unwashed potatoes directly from the pile in storage. The event occurs Saturday, March 11th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
十月 02, 2012

Wet weather causing problems for Prince Edward Island Potato Farmers

Potato growers on Prince Edward Island are concerned that some of their crops might be lost because of the wet weather. Willem van Nieuwenhuyzen's potato field at Vanco Farms is completely saturated with water after recent rains, a much different scen...
六月 13, 2012

Potato farms sprout in Georgia

The US State Georgia is known for its peaches, its poultry, its peanuts and pecans — but not so much for its potatoes. However, at least two farming operations in Decatur County have made potatoes a successful crop.

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Vanco Farms Ltd

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