
University of Guelph



The University of Guelph is a Canadian University in Ontario.

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Fifty Years of Yukon Gold Potatoes
四月 24, 2016

Fifty Years of Yukon Gold Potatoes

York has been working for three years to publicize the 50th anniversary of the invention of the Yukon Gold, a potato bred by Gary Johnston - researcher at the University of Guelph in 1966.
 Yukon Gold
十一月 11, 2011

Yukon Gold potato variety named seed of the year

The popular Yukon Gold potato was a winner at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto this year, where it topped entries in the seventh annual Seed of the Year competition (east division). Developed by the late Garnet (Gary) Johnston, a research...
 Native Potato Starch granules
一月 02, 2009

Canadian AAFC Scientists Consider Potato Starch for Nutritional and Industrial Applications

Most cooks are familiar with the thickening properties of corn starch, but potato starch is every bit as much up to the job, say scientists with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). They’re working on a project to further examine the structure and...

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