
Lamb Weston Canada ULC - Taber

Potato wedges



Potato Processing facility from Lamb Weston Canada is located in Taber, Alberta. The exact location is: 49.818596, -111.965043


Product Types offered by this company


Canadian Potato Crop Update September 6 2021
九月 12, 2021

Canadian Potato Crop Update September 6 2021

Weather patterns have continued to influence the outlook for the Canadian potato crop since UPGC’s last update. Eastern Canada (particularly PEI) has received record amounts of rainfall from the remnants of Hurricane Ida.
University of Lethbridge shows industry partners its growing potato research activities
八月 18, 2018

University of Lethbridge shows industry partners its growing potato research activities

Last Friday, the University of Lethbridge has opened the doors to its Potato Research Lab to showcase the work being done to support potato growers and processors.
ConAgra Foods Announces Zero Waste Champions
十一月 23, 2015

ConAgra Foods Announces Zero Waste Champions

Continuing in its journey toward zero waste, and in recognition of last week’s America Recycles Day, ConAgra Foods announced its annual Zero Waste Champion award winners.
Potato Growers of Alberta create new research Chair at University of Lethbridge
七月 14, 2014

Potato Growers of Alberta and Processors finance new research Chair at University of Lethbridge

Research capacity in Alberta’s potato industry will be significantly enhanced due to a $1 million investment in the University of Lethbridge by the Potato Growers of Alberta and the Potato Processors McCain Foods, ConAgra Lamb Weston and Cavendish Farms

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Lamb Weston Canada ULC - Taber

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