
Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.


Based in Damme, Germany, Grimme provides a full range of potato harvesters, from single row harvesters to the most sophisticated computer-controlled self-propelled machines. Grimme also manufactures a full range of planting equipment with sophisticated storage and handling equipment.

Spudnik in North America is also part of the Grimme Group.
Subsidiaries and Factory Location


 potato council
十一月 08, 2010

A giant potato harvester in the center of London? Indeed...

Fenland farmer Richard Lee will parade a giant potato harvester through the heart of London next weekend.
十月 01, 2010

Aardappelen in natte zeeuwse grond onbereikbaar

De eerstkomende drie weken kunnen we niets doen', zegt Jasper Cevaal. 'Het is veel te nat en de regen blijft nog een week aanhouden volgens de buienradar.
九月 09, 2010

Grimme shows off new equipment at PotatoEurope

At the PotatoEurope 2010 event, currently in its second day at Rittergut Bockerode in Germany, Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik, manufacturer of agricultural machinery such as potato planters and harvesters, show the visitors a lot of new equipment.