
Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI)

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.


The Central Potato Research Institute is a governmental organisation in India, with the following mandate:

  • To undertake basic and strategic research for developing technologies to enhance productivity and utilisation of potato.
  • To produce disease-free basic seed of different notified varieties developed by the institute.
  • To act as national repository of scientific information relevant to potato.
  • To provide leadership and co-ordinate network research with state agricultural universities for generating location and variety-specific technologies and for solving area-specific problems of potato production.
  • To collaborate with national and international agencies in achieving the objectives.
  • To act as a centre for training in research methodologies and technology for up-grading scientific manpower in modern technologies for potato production.
  • To provide consultancy in potato research and develpment.

CPRI operates 7 regional research stations in different potato growing areas in India. These are located in different potato growing areas of the country: Kufri-Fagu (HP), Modipuram (UP), Jalandhar (Punjab), Gwalior (MP), Patna (Bihar), Shillong (Meghalaya), and Ootacamund (Tamil Nadu).

Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, HP, India

Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, HP, India

Subsidiaries and Factory Location


Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI), Shimla, HP
十月 25, 2014

India: ban on import of seed potatoes lifted

Farmers and cold storage owners in India (Agra, UP) have lauded the decision to lift the ban on import of seed potatoes.
八月 28, 2013

CPRI develops potatoes resistant to cold-induced sweetening

The Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) in Shimla, India's premier potato research institute, has evolved a new technology to prevent conversion of starch into glucose in low temperature conditions, like cold storages.
八月 20, 2010

CPRI tells Indian Potato farmers to switch to heat tolerant potato varieties

With the mercury level steadily rising across India, potato growers need to switch to new varieties of heat-tolerant seeds for saving their crops, agriculture scientists have suggested.
New Potato Research Center to be set up in West Bengal
八月 20, 2010

New Potato Research Center to be set up in West Bengal

A centre of the Shimla-based Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) will be set up in West Bengal's West Midnapur district to make quality potato seeds favourable to the state's climatic condition available to the farmers.