
Caithness Potatoes Ltd




Caithness Potatoes is a producer of seed potatoes and ware potatoes located in Scotland.Caithness potatoes is the exclusive seed producer of the Caithness Varieties.

Product Types offered by this company


Scottish Potato Industry unites to fund major Blackleg Research project
八月 12, 2017

Scottish Potato Industry unites to fund major Blackleg Research project

In Scotland, a group of major potato businesses and public sector organisations have sponsored a £242,000 (USD 313,000) research project aimed at reducing the impact of potato disease blackleg on the Scottish seed potato industry.
Cavendish Farms French Fry Factory - New Annan, PEI
八月 08, 2014

Cavendish Farms says it faces same challenges as McCain Foods

Cavendish Farms says it is facing the very same challenges as its rival McCain Foods: currency, competition and costs.
 Skea Organiscs joins Potato Council at Fruit Logistica 2014
一月 09, 2014

UK develops seed potato and horticulture stand at Fruit Logistica 2014

Following the successful first-time collaboration by the British potato and horticulture sector at Fruit Logistica 2013, Potato Council, Horticultural Development Company (HDC) and the Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) return with their industries to this massive event in February 2014.
 WPC 2012 World potato congress
三月 23, 2012

Exclusive new WPC2012 sponsorship deals created

Exceptional demand for prime sponsorship opportunities at World Potato Congress 2012 (WPC2012) has led to a few very special exclusive packages being created for those who don’t want to miss this unique opportunity.

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Caithness Potatoes Ltd

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