
Demand is high for new potatoes
六月 04, 2019

Demand for new potatoes is high

The potato campaign continues to be quite surprising as demand for new potatoes is also very lively and prices are good.
James Gachiri, a 29 years old farmer and the Secretary-General of the forum
六月 03, 2019

Youth in Kenya embraces new technology in seed potato production

Despite being a trained accountant and currently pursuing a Bachelor in Commerce, James Gachiri had a desire to become a successful potato farmer.
MountainKing Acquires Colorado Packing Facility Focused on Smaller-Sized Potatoes
六月 03, 2019

MountainKing acquires Colorado packing facility focused on smaller-sized potatoes

In response to the explosive growth and demand for smaller-sized potatoes in smaller-sized bags.
Calbee is targeting Asian markets in its expansion plans, including China and India.
六月 03, 2019

Snack maker Calbee poised to take bigger bite out of the US snack market

Japanese snack company Calbee is gearing up for a US marketing campaign for its best-selling Jagarico potato snack in an aggressive drive to increase overseas sales.
The 'best before' dates for Calbee Inc.'s bagged potato chip products will be extended by two months starting October.
六月 03, 2019

Calbee to extend 'best before' dates for potato chip products by two months

Major Japanese snack-maker Calbee Inc. said Thursday that it will extend the 'best before' date for its potato chip products by two months.
Only two years to go until the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland
六月 03, 2019

Only two years to go until the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland

Ireland and a World Potato Congress are completely synonymous. Because of history and tradition, Ireland’s relationship with the potato is unique. In the late sixteenth century, the potato made its way from Peru to Ireland.
Planting report: Wet spring delays showing up in the numbers
六月 03, 2019

United States Potato Planting progress: wet spring delays showing up in the numbers

Updates from the United States Department of Agriculture - National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS) on the progress of (potato) planting throughout the United States. An overview.
Potato Farmers Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year
五月 31, 2019

Potato Farmers in Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year

This year, the potato harvest in Bangladesh was about 150% of what the domestic need is. As a result prices have crashed and despite the high yields, farmers suffer as the can not sell their product.
La papa es el sector más importante en la agricultura del país (Cortesía: Expreso)
五月 31, 2019

La producción de papa peruana sigue en ascenso

El Centro de Innovación Productiva y Transferencia Tecnológica de la papa y otros Cultivos Andinos informó que el sector papero ha reportado crecimiento por quinto año consecutivo.
Crop and Market Report June 18, 2019
五月 30, 2019

Crop and Market Report June 18, 2019

Report from the UPGC Board of Directors Meeting
held in conjunction with the Crop Transition Conference in Minneapolis
五月 30, 2019

Potatoes: Facts and Preservation

The Potato (Solanum tuberosum) plant is native to Upper Peru and northeastern Bolivia. There, under adverse conditions, the ancient Incas domesticated the plant in large terraces like the ones at Machu Pichu.
Branston Ltd buys Haith’s 1000th vegetable washer to clean potatoes
五月 30, 2019

Branston Ltd buys Haith’s 1000th vegetable washer to clean potatoes

Haith group is celebrating the sale of its 1000th vegetable washer. The milestone machine, one of a pair, rolled off the production line at the end of last month destined for potato company Branston Ltd.


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