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二月 06, 2010
McCain is after a lion's share of China's fast food market
二月 05, 2010
International Potato Center launches CIP-China Center (CCCAP) to serve Asia and the Pacific
二月 05, 2010
El CIP crea centro para aumentar capacidad de producción de papa y camote en China, Asia y el Pacífico
二月 05, 2010
Grotere vooraad aardappelen in de Verenigde Staten
二月 04, 2010
US demand for Frozen Food Packaging in 2013 close to 7bn
二月 04, 2010
United States Restaurant Counts slip 0.3%
二月 04, 2010
Newly elected National Potato Council president Roger Mix names priorities 2010
二月 04, 2010
La Patata Temprana de Andalucía cumple su décimo aniversario en Fruit Logistica 2010
二月 04, 2010
Lance, Diamond Foods reported to bid for Kettle Foods
二月 03, 2010
SunChips 100% Compostable Chip Bag in March on Canadian store shelves
二月 03, 2010
Compensation deal agreed for Irish potato farmers hit by cold snap
二月 03, 2010