News on Potato Defects and Diseases from the Americas

Lunchtime is over for the Colorado potato beetle
January 13, 2018

Lunchtime is over for the Colorado potato beetle

Chemicals in the leaves of potato plants, produced naturally by the plant, may hold the key to a new way to control Colorado potato beetles - a major pest for potato growers.
La situación actual del cultivo de papa en Chile
December 11, 2017

La situación actual del cultivo de papa en Chile

Luis Miquel, Gerente General del Consorcio Papa Chile, destaca el avance sistemático de enfermedades cuarentenarias, enumera sus causas y consecuencias, y hace recomendaciones para solucionar los problemas estructurales del cultivo.
Certis USA Licenses New Virus Technology for Control of Fall Armyworm
December 11, 2017

Certis USA Licenses New Virus Technology for Control of Fall Armyworm

Certis USA has entered into an agreement with Corpoica, the Colombian Corporation for Agriculture Research, to license Corpoica’s Spodoptera frugiperda nucleopolyhedrovirus (SfMNPV) strain NPV003 and formulation technology for a biopesticide against the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).
UMaine receive grant for potato breeding and to improve quality and pest resistance
November 27, 2017

UMaine receives grant for potato breeding with focus on quality improvement and pest resistance

The USDA-NIFA has awarded a grant totaling $388,000 to the University of Maine to study potato breeding and improve quality and pest resistance in the eastern United States.
Potato researchers gather in Maine to find a solutions for the Blackleg disease
November 17, 2017

Potato researchers gather in Maine to find solutions for the Blackleg disease

Researchers from all over the world were in Bangor for the '2017 Dickeya and Pectobacterium Summit', organized by the University of Maine Extension.
La marchitez bacteriana de la papa en Chile
October 27, 2017

La marchitez bacteriana de la papa en Chile

Esta enfermedad es considerada la segunda más importante a nivel mundial. En Chile está clasificada como una enfermedad cuarentenaria presente bajo control oficial. Actualmente se encuentra en la zona sur del país, específicamente en la Región de La Araucanía. Este informe del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG), ofrece información sobre el agente causal, su epidemiología y la situación en el país.
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Zebra chip pathogen found in Western Canada for the first time
October 23, 2017

Zebra chip pathogen found in Western Canada for the first time

For the first time, evidence of the zebra chip pathogen has been found in potato fields in southern Alberta, but the University of Lethbridge’s Dr. Dan Johnson cautions against panic.
Argentina: Descifran el genoma del virus del enrollamiento de la hoja
October 11, 2017

Argentina: Descifran el genoma del virus del enrollamiento de la hoja

El conocimiento de la secuencia completa, a cargo de investigadores del INTA, permite caracterizar el virus a nivel molecular y estudiar aspectos básicos y particulares de la infección. Además posibilita el desarrollo de herramientas biotecnológicas para mitigar las pérdidas ocasionadas por la infección, que pueden llegar hasta un 90 por ciento.
Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets
October 05, 2017

Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets

A project underway in Aberdeen, Idaho, aims to develop russet potatoes with resistance to pale cyst nematode, while identifying new molecular markers associated with resistance.
Mexico: Zebra Chip-tolerant potatoes for the fresh market
September 21, 2017

Mexico: Zebra Chip-tolerant potatoes for the fresh market

Researchers from the University of California Riverside and INIFAP (Mexico) identify four potato lines with increased tolerance to Zebra Chip disease
Chile: Cuarentena por nematodo dorado de la papa podría durar 15 años
September 08, 2017

Chile: Cuarentena por nematodo dorado de la papa podría durar 15 años

Autoridades del sector agrícola, en conjunto con investigadores y productores, se mantienen en alerta por la presencia de esta plaga que afecta a los cultivos de papa en la zona sur del país. Ya son 25 los predios que se mantienen en cuarentena.
Chile: Lanzan tecnología para prevenir el nematodo dorado de la papa
September 08, 2017

Chile: Lanzan tecnología para prevenir el nematodo dorado de la papa

INIA Remehue y Corfo presentaron una plataforma digital que asesora a los productores sobre cómo controlar el ingreso de la plaga a la zona.
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Cornell University to receive 400k for update of nematode research facilities
September 03, 2017

Cornell University to receive 400k for update of nematode research facilities

In a visit to the Nematode Quarantine laboratory at Cornell University last Friday, US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, announced a commitment of $400,000 from the USDA for the upgrades to the facilities and equipment.
Fredericton Potato Research Lab invites the public
August 29, 2017

Fredericton Potato Research Lab invites the public

More than 300 people stopped by Fredericton Research and Development Centre's open house
Idaho Potato Growers report lower yield in early Norkotah Harvest
August 27, 2017

Idaho Potato Growers report lower yield in early Norkotah Harvest

Idaho Potato industry officials report yields are down significantly as Western Idaho growers have started with their early harvest of Russet Norkotahs for the fresh market.
National Potato Council awards scholarship to Adrienne Gorny for nematode research
August 25, 2017

National Potato Council awards scholarship to Adrienne Gorny for nematode research

Adrienne Gorny, a fourth-year doctoral student in Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology at Cornell University, is the recipient of the 2017-2018 NPC Academic Scholarship.
Argentina: Investigadores identifican mecanismo de defensa del cultivo de papa
August 24, 2017

Argentina: Investigadores identifican mecanismo de defensa del cultivo de papa

El hallazgo permitiría el desarrollo de plantas resistentes al tizón tardío, una de las enfermedades más destructivas del cultivo de la papa.
National Potato Council responds to the Mexican court import ban of US Potatoes
August 08, 2017

National Potato Council says the Mexican court ruling banning potato import 'Ignores Science'

The National Potato Council, representing the United States Potato Industry responds to the Mexican Court decision to block the import of US potatoes: 'Mexican Court Ruling Ignores Science'


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