News on Food Trends from the Americas

Nutrition 2022: New processing technique could make potatoes healthier
June 15, 2022

Nutrition 2022: New processing technique could make potatoes healthier

Researchers announced early tests of a new potato processing technique designed to make our bodies digest potato starch more slowly. Laboratory demonstrations show that the approach blocks certain digestive enzymes
Chile: Sistema de control de heladas en el cultivo de papas.
June 14, 2022

Chile: Sistema de control de heladas en el cultivo de papas

El presente informativo entrega las bases técnicas para el establecimiento de un sistema de control de heladas, a través de riego por aspersión para el cultivo de papas.
Saving Time on Potato Plant Tissue Testing with Picketa.
June 14, 2022

Saving Time on Potato Plant Tissue Testing with Picketa

Time is paramount when testing potato crops before spraying and fertilizer applications, which is what Picketa’s new product is all about. For their final engineering project, four University of New Brunswick students decided to help potato growers.
Re-branded Rosti Stuft Spuds Showcased at Fancy Food Show
June 12, 2022

Re-branded Rosti Stuft Spuds Showcased at Fancy Food Show

Crispy Filled, Inc. is pleased to announce the re-branding of its Rösti brand of crispy filled potato products, under the new brand name, Rösti Stuft Spuds™.
Perú: Cultivos se reducen en 13 regiones por falta de fertilizantes.
June 08, 2022

Perú: Cultivos se reducen en 13 regiones por falta de fertilizantes

Las mayores reducciones de siembras en la actual temporada agrícola se registran en Amazonas, Piura, Apurímac y Áncash, según información del Midagri.
En el marco del Día Nacional de la Papa, los pequeños de Pisha explican, durante una feria escolar.
June 01, 2022

Perú: Niños del colegio 'Jesús de Nazareth' en la región Áncash enseñan cómo se Siembra y Cosecha la Papa

Menores de colegio de Pamparomás en Áncash realizan exposición sobre desarrollo fenológico en el marco del Día Nacional de la Papa. También se exhibió gastronomía a base del tubérculo como pan, picante de cuy y tocosh.
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New Idaho Potato Commission CEO is a potato guy through and through
May 30, 2022

New Idaho Potato Commission CEO is a potato guy through and through

In as much as it’s possible, Jamey Higham, the new president and CEO of the Idaho Potato Commission, has potatoes in his blood. Higham, who in February took over leadership of the commission that promotes the state’s most famous product
Texas A&M AgriLife researchers use CRISPR technology to modify starches in potatoes
May 28, 2022

Texas A&M AgriLife researchers use CRISPR technology to modify starches in potatoes

Humble potatoes are a rich source not only of dietary carbohydrates for humans, but also of starches for numerous industrial applications. Texas A&M AgriLife scientists are learning how to alter the ratio of potatoes’
Mexican producers protest against potato imports from the United States.
May 25, 2022

Mexican producers protest against potato imports from the United States

The National Confederation of Potato Producers of the Mexican Republic (Conpapa) ruled against the importation of fresh potatoes from the United States, due to its 'high risk of containing quarantine pests'.
Just in time for summer, Tasteful Selections releases two new microwave-ready potato trays
May 23, 2022

Just in time for summer, Tasteful Selections releases two new microwave-ready potato trays

Grilling is a highlight of summer. From brats, burgers and steak to fish, chicken or pork chops—America is grilling! And Tasteful Selections is ready to help consumers enjoy fresh potatoes all summer long.
En Perú existen cuatro mil variedades de papa y hay 2300 papas endémicas.
May 17, 2022

¡Celebremos la Papa Peruana!

El 30 de mayo se celebra el Día Nacional de la Papa. Desde este espacio hemos venido celebrando esta fecha durante varios años y este 2022 no será la excepción.
Sweet Potato sibling from Uglies Kettle Chip
May 16, 2022

Sweet Potato sibling from Uglies Kettle Chip

Uglies Kettle Chips, the brand that brings you naturally imperfect, honestly delicious plant-based snacks, now introduces new upcycled sweet potato chips: Uglies Sweets.
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Snacks from the Sun partners with UNFI, North America's largest distributor of health and specialty food in North America.
May 12, 2022

Snacks from the Sun partners with UNFI, North America's largest distributor of health and specialty food in North America

Modern Plant Based Foods Inc. announces its 'Snacks from the Sun' popped chips brand has entered into a distribution contract with United Natural Foods (UNFI)
Picketa Systems raises CAD 300,000 to launch real-time plant sample analysis in the Atlantic Canadian potato industry
May 02, 2022

Picketa Systems raises CAD 300,000 to launch real-time plant sample analysis in the potato industry in Atlantic Canada

New Brunswick agricultural technology company, Picketa Systems, closed their CAD 300,000 pre-seed investment round to deploy their innovative plant nutrient analysis and decision support system to the Atlantic Canadian potato industry.
Utz Brands to Add Manufacturing Facility in Kings Mountain.
April 30, 2022

Utz Brands to Add New Manufacturing Facility in Kings Mountain, North Carolina

Utz Brands, Inc. (NYSE: UTZ) (or the 'Company'), a leading U.S. manufacturer of branded salty snacks, announced that the Company’s subsidiary Utz Quality Foods, LLC ('Utz') has purchased a brand new.
Perú: Nuevas variedades de papa beneficiarán a los agricultores, consumidores y al medio ambiente.
April 27, 2022

Perú: Nuevas variedades de papa beneficiarán a los agricultores, consumidores y al medio ambiente

Perú es el primer productor de papa de América Latina, con una producción de más de 5 millones de toneladas al año. Sin embargo, el país importó cerca de 10 millones de kilos de papas pre fritas solo en los primeros cuatro meses del 2020.
Yara establishes Potato Incubator Farm in Washington to study Crop Nutrition. synergy and Carbon Footprint Reduction
April 27, 2022

Yara establishes Potato Incubator Farm in Washington to study Crop Nutrition synergy and Carbon Footprint Reduction

Yara has recently established a new Incubator Farm, aimed at exploring how a complete potato crop nutrition program that drives productivity and grower profitability can simultaneously lead to a reduced carbon footprint.
CIP presenta futuras variedades de papa aptas para procesamiento industrial.
April 19, 2022

CIP presenta futuras variedades de papa aptas para procesamiento industrial en bastones y horneado

En este evento se presentarán las características de las papas que serán liberadas oficialmente como nuevas variedades en la segunda mitad del 2022, de acuerdo con la normatividad peruana vigente.


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