News on Potato Stats, Trade, Prices

November marked a further increase in the value of the FAO Food Price Index.
December 02, 2021

November marked a further increase in the value of the FAO Food Price Index

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 134.4 points in November 2021, up 1.6 points (1.2 percent) from October and 28.8 points (27.3 percent) from November 2020.
PEI based Salad Company, Johnston’s Encourages Canadians to Support Local PEI Potato Farmers in Response to Recent Export Ban
December 01, 2021

PEI based Salad Company Encourages Canadians to Support PEI Potato Farmers in Response to US Export Ban

With its roots firmly planted on PEI soil for over 74 years, Johnston’s Homestyle proudly supports local farmers while they face challenges during supply chain restrictions.
Government-Industry potato working group assembles to help affected farmers in Prince Edward Island
November 27, 2021

Government-Industry potato working group assembles to help affected farmers in Prince Edward Island

The Government of Canada is working with the Province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) and industry to support PEI farmers following the recent suspension of certification of fresh potatoes from PEI to the United States.
 Historic display of U.S. chipping potatoes at a tradeshow in China
November 27, 2021

Historic display of US chipping potatoes at tradeshow in Shanghai, China

This historic event, which is helping to pave the way for commercial shipments of U.S. chip-stock to China, was marked with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and speeches by U.S. government officials and representatives from Potatoes USA.
Prince Edward Island Potato Board Response to Suspension of Exports to USA
November 23, 2021

Prince Edward Island Potato Board 'shocked' by CFIA decision to suspend its Potato Exports to the US

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is shocked by the decision by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to suspend the certification of exports of all potatoes from Prince Edward Island to the United States of America.
Tubers affected by potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum)
November 22, 2021

CFIA announces measures to prevent spread of potato wart from PEI

Today, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced measures to prevent the spread of potato wart from Prince Edward Island (PEI). Potato wart is a plant disease that poses no threat to human health or food safety, but is known to decrease potato yield.
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United States frozen potato export continued to improve
November 20, 2021

United States export of frozen potato increased by 30 percent in Q3 (YOY)

U.S. exports of frozen potato products increased by 30% for the July – September 2021 quarter compared to 2020. These increases were led by a 63% increase to Mexico
Potato harvest in Tajikistan increased by more than 100 thousand tonnes in 2021
November 19, 2021

Potato harvest in Tajikistan increased by more than 100 thousand tonnes in 2021

Around 740 thousand tonnes of potatoes were harvested by farmers in Tajikistan in the current season as of the end of the last work week, Eastfruit analysts report.
Trucking shortage hinders sale of record Aroostook County potato harvest
November 16, 2021

Trucking shortage hinders sale of record Aroostook County potato harvest

Aroostook County (Maine, US) may have pulled a record potato harvest out of the ground this year, but transportation slowdowns and a driver shortage are making it difficult to get the crop to market.
Middlemen plunge Rwanda potato farmers into losses
November 16, 2021

Middlemen plunge Rwanda potato farmers into losses

Potato farmers in Rwanda are counting their losses, claiming that they are selling their produce at 'giveaway' prices, despite the cost remaining high on the market.
Interpom finally brings the European potato chain together again.
November 16, 2021

Interpom brings the European potato chain together again. Finally!

Interpom 2021 is fast approaching – we are now on the home stretch! After a whole year of postponement, Interpom will finally be held on Sunday 28, Monday 29, and Tuesday 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo (B).
The FAO Food Price Index at its highest since July 2011.
November 10, 2021

The FAO Food Price Index at its highest since July 2011

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 133.2 points in October 2021, up 3.9 points (3.0 percent) from September and 31.8 points (31.3 percent) from October 2020. After rising for three consecutive months, the FFPI in October stood at its highest level since July 2011.
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2021 Q1 potato sales at US retail see increases compared to 2019
November 08, 2021

2021 Q1 potato sales at US retail see increases compared to 2019

During the first quarter of Potatoes USA’s Marketing Year 2022 (July - September 2021), potato sales decreased in dollars by 1.1% and in volume by 5.7% compared to the same period in 2020.
Potato wart poses no risk to humans or food safety, but it can be a serious disease for the infected potatoes, which become disfigured and unmarketable. (CFIA )
November 07, 2021

Prince Edward Island Seed Potato Export to the United States halted - again - due to Potato Wart

CBC reports that the US border has again closed to Prince Edward Island seed potatoes after potato wart was found in two P.E.I. fields.
Ban on seed potato imports will have 'devastating consequences'
November 04, 2021

Ban on seed potato imports will have 'devastating consequences' for Potato growers in Northern Ireland

Potato growers in Northern Ireland face a severe shortage of seed potatoes in 2022, according to Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) political party leader, Jim Allister.
China: Positive demand for potatoes could raise prices
November 01, 2021

China: Positive demand for potatoes could raise prices

At this stage, the sales volume of warehousing potatoes in the northern first cropping area of ​​potato is not large, and the price is mainly stable.
Patata de Siembra Santa Isabel.
October 20, 2021

España, José Daniel Bravo: "Muchos de las grandes supermercados son de origen francés, por lo que la patata española está discriminada."

José Daniel Bravo, agricultor y vicepresidente actualmente de la cooperativa de patata de Siembra Santa Isabel comentó: Muchos de las grandes supermercados son de origen francés, por lo que la patata española está discriminada.
It's shaping up to be a banner year for Aroostook County (Maine) potatoes
October 19, 2021

It's shaping up to be a banner year for Aroostook County (Maine) potatoes

Don Flannery, president of the Maine Potato Board, is not calling it a record year — yet. But with over 80 percent of this season’s potatoes out of the ground, the longtime industry expert said yields are shaping up to be above average.


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