Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Diciembre 15, 2021

Canadá y México han aumentado significativamente la importación de patatas de EE. UU.

Las exportaciones estadounidenses de productos de papa congelada aumentaron un 30 porciento para el trimestre julio-septiembre de 2021 en comparación con 2020. Estos aumentos fueron liderados por un aumento del 63porciento en México.
Canadian	Crop	Report December 7, 2021.
Diciembre 13, 2021

Latest estimate of the Canadian potato crop

Potato Production in Canada for the year 2021, is estimated at 123,054,000 hundredweight. This is up 18.9 million hundredweight or 18.2% above 2020 (which had very low production in the two Eastern provinces).
La NEPG considera que los contratos de patata para 2022/23 deberían aumentar al menos entre 3 y 4 EUR/100 kg.
Diciembre 08, 2021

La NEPG considera que los contratos de patata para 2022/23 deberían aumentar al menos entre 3 y 4 EUR/100 kg

La NEPG ha dado por finalizada la campaña 2021 con una producción de 22,7 millones de toneladas, lo que representa una bajada del 3,4 porciento en relación con la previa, aunque se mantiene un 2,7 porciento por encima de la media de los últimos cinco años.
Uzbekistan may become one of the five largest potato importers in the world by the end of 2021
Diciembre 08, 2021

Uzbekistan may become one of the five largest potato importers in the world by the end of 2021

According to EastFruit analysts, Uzbekistan may become one of the five largest potato importers in the world by the end of 2021. Following the results of 11 months, Uzbekistan has already set a new record of potato imports.
Prince Edward Island farmers losing money day by day in potato export crisis.
Diciembre 03, 2021

P.E.I. farmers losing money day by day in potato export crisis

After 20 years of successful management, potato wart has closed the U.S. border again. P.E.I. farmers are five days into a suspension of trade for their potatoes into the U.S. market.
Diciembre 02, 2021

En noviembre se registró un nuevo incremento del valor del índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO se situó en noviembre de 2021 en un promedio de 134,4 puntos, es decir, 1,6 puntos (un 1,2 porciento) más que en octubre y 28,8 puntos (un 27,3 porciento) más que en noviembre de 2020.
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PEI based Salad Company, Johnston’s Encourages Canadians to Support Local PEI Potato Farmers in Response to Recent Export Ban
Diciembre 01, 2021

PEI based Salad Company Encourages Canadians to Support PEI Potato Farmers in Response to US Export Ban

With its roots firmly planted on PEI soil for over 74 years, Johnston’s Homestyle proudly supports local farmers while they face challenges during supply chain restrictions.
Government-Industry potato working group assembles to help affected farmers in Prince Edward Island
Noviembre 27, 2021

Government-Industry potato working group assembles to help affected farmers in Prince Edward Island

The Government of Canada is working with the Province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) and industry to support PEI farmers following the recent suspension of certification of fresh potatoes from PEI to the United States.
 Historic display of U.S. chipping potatoes at a tradeshow in China
Noviembre 27, 2021

Historic display of US chipping potatoes at tradeshow in Shanghai, China

This historic event, which is helping to pave the way for commercial shipments of U.S. chip-stock to China, was marked with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and speeches by U.S. government officials and representatives from Potatoes USA.
Prince Edward Island Potato Board Response to Suspension of Exports to USA
Noviembre 23, 2021

Prince Edward Island Potato Board 'shocked' by CFIA decision to suspend its Potato Exports to the US

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is shocked by the decision by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to suspend the certification of exports of all potatoes from Prince Edward Island to the United States of America.
Tubers affected by potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum)
Noviembre 22, 2021

CFIA announces measures to prevent spread of potato wart from PEI

Today, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced measures to prevent the spread of potato wart from Prince Edward Island (PEI). Potato wart is a plant disease that poses no threat to human health or food safety, but is known to decrease potato yield.
Potato harvest in Tajikistan increased by more than 100 thousand tonnes in 2021
Noviembre 19, 2021

Potato harvest in Tajikistan increased by more than 100 thousand tonnes in 2021

Around 740 thousand tonnes of potatoes were harvested by farmers in Tajikistan in the current season as of the end of the last work week, Eastfruit analysts report.
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Trucking shortage hinders sale of record Aroostook County potato harvest
Noviembre 16, 2021

Trucking shortage hinders sale of record Aroostook County potato harvest

Aroostook County (Maine, US) may have pulled a record potato harvest out of the ground this year, but transportation slowdowns and a driver shortage are making it difficult to get the crop to market.
Middlemen plunge Rwanda potato farmers into losses
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Middlemen plunge Rwanda potato farmers into losses

Potato farmers in Rwanda are counting their losses, claiming that they are selling their produce at 'giveaway' prices, despite the cost remaining high on the market.
Interpom finally brings the European potato chain together again.
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Interpom brings the European potato chain together again. Finally!

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Noviembre 10, 2021

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO alcanza su nivel más elevado desde julio de 2011

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO se situó en octubre de 2021 en un promedio de 133,2 puntos, es decir, 3,9 puntos (un 3,0 porciento) más que en septiembre y 31,8 puntos (un 31,3 porciento) más que en octubre de 2020.
2021 Q1 potato sales at US retail see increases compared to 2019
Noviembre 08, 2021

2021 Q1 potato sales at US retail see increases compared to 2019

During the first quarter of Potatoes USA’s Marketing Year 2022 (July - September 2021), potato sales decreased in dollars by 1.1% and in volume by 5.7% compared to the same period in 2020.
Potato wart poses no risk to humans or food safety, but it can be a serious disease for the infected potatoes, which become disfigured and unmarketable. (CFIA )
Noviembre 07, 2021

Prince Edward Island Seed Potato Export to the United States halted - again - due to Potato Wart

CBC reports that the US border has again closed to Prince Edward Island seed potatoes after potato wart was found in two P.E.I. fields.


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